February 14, 1946 BAILEY BUGLE BAILEY,NORTH CAROLINA HEKE AND NOW Because of the extra coal required to heat the audi- toriura, weekly chapel peri ods v^ill be discontinued until v;arner weather. Members of the PTA will hold their sixth meeting of the year tonight at 7 o’clock. Ifrs. Yi'inifred Mercer Imll has replaced Mrs. Goorge Finch as home .ocnnrinioe instructor. NameThe Student ANS’.iDRS PG, 9 1. a. 10th boy b. bluo "derby" c. light brown hair d. lazy, indifferent Pa^e 2 i —I— 1 mi — m w "1 1 2, a. 9th girl b. timid c. blonde hair d. formerly of llt.Plea- sant 3. a. 8 B girl b. small c. light brown hair d. quiet 4. a. loth girl 5. &. 9th boy b. BUGLE helper b. tall c. long, blonde hair c» unusually polite d. studious d, light trovm hair Class Work Averages 6 For First Semester Evelyn Poole, coming to Bailey from Swepsonville, North Carolina, has joined the staff of the Bugle as assistant artist. Those students averaging honor roll for the first semester v;ere Both Bis- sette,Betty Doris Sanders, Jackie Lois Edwards, Bar bara Farmer, Ben Etheridge, Jean B. Glover, and Octa- via Beard. lv!rs. Howard Farmer’s tenth grade class and Mrs. Laurine Lassiter's ■ yiitith grade boys have dediccrtod their "Citation for Patri otic Devotion" in the 1945 Yar Fund Campaign to FRED DIE GLOVER and BEIilJiCE FiJt- MER respectively* 600 pieces of clothing were donated to tho'war relief during the clothing drive. $36.03 was given by the stud-Dnts and teachers to the infantile paralysis during the March of Dimes Campaign> Donations are still being received for both drives. Excluding journalism, the subject having the highest term average in high school is shorthand with an average of 86.Se cond on the list is typing with a standard of 85. Agriculture and science, biology and chemistry, rank third, ouch support ing 84, while geography and home economics have 83. The lowest grade was made by the civics classes with 79 term average. ELEVENTH GMD2 The most intellectual group for the first sem ester v/as the eleventh grade, having an average of 85. Ten B and eight A were second since their average was 84. Those making honor rftll for the third six weeks were Jackie Lois Edwards, 10 A; Beth Biss:ette, 10 B| Ben Etheridge, 9 B; Jean B. Glover, 8^*.; and ^stcr Ray Finch, 8 B. Perfect attendance for the first semester were made by the follov/ing students: Pansy R, Biss- ette, Phyllis J. Finch, Betty D. Sanders, Keith Glover, Pete Stone, A1 Ti7illiams, Brooks Vick,Ar- leen Langston, Clara F,V(il- lians, Jackie L, Edwarids, Millard Morgan, Octavia Be ard, Louise Burnette, Ruth Farmer, IvHarie Lamm, Bin Etheridge, ''illard Flr.oh Billy Morgan, Jean B.Gijv- er, Jean Pace, Mavis Scott Lewis, Mildred Dorothy Jeans, and Tor.- tie J. Lamm.