December 13, 194t> BAILEY BUGLt BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA Page 12 Tips From Emily Po^t 1. Should a boy smoke v;hen in the presence of a girl? Ans. In her home or in a private place a boy niny smoke before a girl with her permission, ’’but on a city street there is no vulgarity greater than for a nan to stand talking to a lady with his hat on and a cigarette in his nouth." 2. Should a girl comb her hair in public? Ans. A few years ago a girl was taught that "sjie must dress as carefully and as beautifully as pos sible, but when she turned avjay from her mirror she must never 'take note of her appearance’ until she dressed again. But today young v;omen in theaters, restaurants, and other pub lic places are continually patting their hair and pov/dering their nosesi and perhaps "v/e should be grate ful that they do not take off their shoes and stock ings.” Good breeding, how ever, prevents one from combing his hair in a res taurant, 3. Should a boy expect a girl to go out to his car 'classy' news J oyce Brantley ~ BUGLE ffiLPER. P. U dolph Eatmon ~ mischief rnakcr. B. Bla N che Eatmon wittiest girl Vfill I am Glover ~ thoughtful Br O oks Vick ~ Most bashful R. achel page ~ quietest girl Le S lie Dew songster when door? Ans. for a he "honks" at her It is very impolite boy to "honk" at the house of a girl. He should go to the door if ho v/ishes to see her, I.Cost parents consider '"honking” one of the rudest things that a boy can do. 4. How should you break an av/kward silence? Ans. Do not break the silence with a "rattling” remark, "Conversation is not a race that must be continued at break-neck pace; for, far worse than the longest, most av/kv;urd pause is the tongue v;hich, without a thought to urge it, rattlea ceaselessly," 5, Is slang ever permis sible? Ans. "Coarse" or profane slang is beside the mark.‘ SEE US BEFOKE YOU BUY Elect ncol Appliences Pairs on's Motor Co. HOWTON, WALKER, AND BROCK