■ianuarv 0. 194.6 BAI’[Y BUGLE BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA HAE BISSETTE AmPES -TypisTs See Movie Because of Rae Bissette's accuracy in artyping, por traying pictures by let ters and symbols, her sketches of a drun major ette, dog, airpiane, and a portrait of Fred I'ac?'urray are displayed on the black board in the coinraerc ial room. * ♦ * $ $ * $ * * Typing I and II students have been shown a movie dealing with typing. Albert Tangora, profes sional typist,demonstrated how to gain speed, become more accurate, and form the habit of correct posi tions at the typewriter. KERRi' C!fflISTM^.S - 0 - 4j, ii/a'TY lfElV.YEA.R -"o III 0 0 3 0 o f» ..a‘d 0 o 0*0 0 Ov HHHH HHffiJ IhkhhehhI Typing I Class Desiagn ThQir Christmas Cards Hi H5 Mi Typing II students de signed their Christmas c:>rds by ornamental typing, lottors and symbols form ing a picture. They sketched their pic tures by s:'/mbols and let ters. Then by retyping sections of the pictures they brought out the con trast in the dark and light colors. The designs, colored in red, v;ere run off on white paper. Inside the cards were typed greetings lind small drawings. These also were run in red. This work served as a re view on manipulation, cut ting stencils, working on mimeoscope, and learning to do artyping. A card designed by I.fedgo j3rantloy but reduced in size is on this page. STUDENTS TO MAtCE SCRAPBOOKS IN GEOGRAPHY Assimilating the material received from the Chambers of Commerce of the leading Southern cities into a scrapbook is a project of the geography class. 9 'N,' \ cL--£j 1 AV / \\ BAILEY LIONS CLUB ATTENDANCE Attondane^> a-t meetSLhgs'i s good, but two or three members being absent cu'^ down the percentage. Art you one of these members5 RAT .CAMPAIGN The Lions Club, coopera|- ting v;ith the State Hoalt: Department, distribut s rat bait in Bailey. V/e art icxpecti-ng results. HovJ lever, to do a thorough ugh job need ‘^p the procedure v;ill bo repeated about L'prch Hov; about the farms in thi comr.iunity? Are there an;'’ rats around tlie buildings ^ Every rat eats or destroy;; at least i2 v/orth of feed or materials each year Expensive? Yes. Why no- do something about it? SCOUT CABIN Do you believe in tht boys and girls in and around Bailey? How abou': a Scout Cabin for them? The committee will be t see you. Your cooperation means more progress.