February 14, 1947 Pr in pals Column M.W, WEAVER BAILEY BUGLE BAiL EY. NORTH C AROLINA Pap;e 6 How do you treat your books? This question is ap propriate novi even though it may be a little late for this school term The fact that books are assi^*^- ed to students free or for a small rental fee 'does not mean that books cost nothing. Since they are loaned or rented, students should be even more care ful of hov.’ they are treat ed. Books are expected to last several years when given'the proper care. For that reason you should try to pass the book on to another student next year in the very best con dition possible. Books are expensive and they are paid for in our state by the taxpayers. One's father is one of them. CARE .Vihat care should be taken of books? They should be kept clean. Avoid using your boo!:s while your hands are dirty. Store your books while not in use in clean places. Do not leave them on the floor in ha-lls, class rooms, and at hone. Be careful v/ith them on the school busses. Do not leave them cn the yard. Be careful about marking them, i.fark only for assignments a«d erase those marks aJ'ter the assignment has ' been completed. Do not allow baby brother or sis ter to deface and soil them. Be careful about breaking the backs of books. Keep pencils and other things out of books v;hile they are closed. Do not dog ear books. The corners cf the pages will soon tear oi'f. RiiFUXS: ENTS ::uch difficulty has been experienced during this year in getting books. New adoptions have been made in ^-a'^y subjects. Those bc^'O^rtj have come through slowly. Replace ments for old adoptions have in maviy cases been impossible to get. If core is taken of the books vi/e have, fev;er students will be deprived of this iraportant tool. Probably, most important of all, do rot lose or mis place them. FOR A SPECIAL GUEST HER ROOM With FLOVvERS^ A '(>• X' 'i '-7 •• f.' • • '■ / ■ ' S' FROM h R S. w. A. GIF F! N JU P f' E S E M TA TIV E . TUDOIR . wiLSOiJ f:.c ir; r ,-r\ n r jr " i: ‘ i\ ' % " u I, i' I , iJ 'j