3AILE COUNTY TO UR M A MEM T I'^ARCH 10,1 1, 13, 14 Roc ly Mou n t High Gym nasium VOL. 8 NO. 6 BAILEY. NORTH CAROLIKA.FEB. 14. 1947 PRICE IQgf SCOUTS PLAN FOR HUTS B.SanDFISToSuBMIT ARTICLE ToMAGAZINE Plans for the structure of the Boy Scouts* hut were made by a committee designated by the Lions Club. At the last Lions* meet ing, at which time Mr. Brinson and the Scouts were guests, the plans were discussed and accept ed by the Scouts. Ko preparations, such as outting logs, have been made because other mater ials needed may not be a-vailable. The raising of funds for building purposes is to be j a cooperative undertaking ‘ of the Scouts. I ■ CALENDAR Report Cards Iferch 5 Teachers' Meeting Feb ruary 15 P.T.A. Meeting March 13 BASKETBALL GMmS Feb. 14 Bailey at Stantonsburg Feb. 18 Bailey at Spring Hope Feb. 25 Benvenue at Bailey Feb. 28 Castalia at Bailey Tournament--March 10, 11, 13, 14. RocIy Mount High Gymna sium. Betty Doris Sanders, a member of the Student Ad visory Board of Student high- Life, a national" RTA Presents Founders Day Program Last night the PTA tele- brated the Golden Jubilee of the organization by giving a Founder's Day Pro gram, "Light For Tomorrov/." This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Parent- Teacher Association. In 1897 the Parent-Tea- cher Association was or ganized by Alice McLellan Birney, of Georgia. PAGENT The pagent, in v/hich parents, teachers, and pupils participated, fea tured the idea that the PTA is striving to become a light in the educational world of tomorrow. Mi'S. Rudolph Glover and Miss Millie Pearson were in charge of the program. SCHOOL FRIENDS DONATE PICTURES FOR GALLERY Twelve pictures, most o'f them copies of famous paintings, have been do nated or lent the school to compose the beginning of an "art gallery" in the front entrance of the downstairs hall of the school building. Among the contributions are "Blue Boy", "The Ange- lus", "Boy and the Rabbit", "The Treaty", "Mount Ver non", "Charlotte and Petei^,' pairs of minatures, por traits of Martha and Geo rge V/ashington, and "The Old Clipper Ship". These were given or lent See GALLERY pg. 2 school magazine, has been invited to write an ar ticle on some educational .activity of Bailey High School. This article, if accepted, will appear in one of the spring issues of Student Life. SUB JOT After discussing the sub ject for publication with Principal M. ¥/. Weaver and Mrs. Howard Farmer, Betty Doris has selected the cleanup campaign as the theme of her article. Cleanup day came about as the result of 1,'Tr. ?/eaver*s 3 four-year pleading for better citizenship. If the news feature is published in Student Life, it will be accompanied by pictures of the activity. Juniors Not Telling Banquet Plans Secretive meeting was held last week by juniors as they made tentative plans for the Junior-Sen ior Banquet. Reports have it that at this meeting the juniors decided on a date for the banquet and the theme that they wish to follow but de sired not to disclose any specific news concerning their plans. At the meeting Jacqueline Collie was named chairman See BANQUET pg. 2