T..Tflrr:h 14. 1947 BAILEY BUGLE BAILEY. NCRTH CAROLINA page 5 iEDL^fflS EXPLflinS luinninG of niEDflLS "I don't krow why my marks are above average," coimr.ents Jackie Lois li-d- vjards, winner of one jour nalism and two scholarship medals, "unless is is be cause I al'ways ^et up my homework and cay attention on class. Then it all just seems to come naturally." Jackie tried to evade the interview, because she did n't v;ant anyone to think she v/as bragging. I^DALS For having the highest grading record in high school, Jackie was awarded the scholarship medals in her eighth and tenth years of school. The journalism medal was presented to her in 1946 because of her grades, dependability, and interest in journalism. Class Makes Hunt For Moby Dick In addition to English, French, typing, history, and geometry, Jackie is treasurer of the FHA. and vice-president of her class. For the past two years she v;as a member of the BUGLE staff. SUBJECT "Boys l" exclaims Jackie, shyly, v/hen asked her fcivo- rite subject. After a mo ment's thought she said, "No, boys are OK; but I guess I like English just as well--alT^.ost, at least." Jackie spends enough time in studying to get her les sons' well. In her spare time she reads and col lects "giznoes" to put in her personal scrap book. For her birthday, her fa ther had her uiedals made into a bracelet. E. Poole BUILDING STONES OF BHS • These people through their efforts have .been among the building stones of Bailey school, adding- presti.c'e ho>^or, and improvement to the school. Other "stonca‘*‘ v/ill be added from issue to issue. Vocabulary building, oral reading, and instances of the descriptive pov/crs of the author vjere emphasized in the study of Moby Dick by the eleventh English class. After completing the novel, the class made in dividual maps, indicating the travels of the ship' searching for Moby • Dick and the principal events of the voyage. ’ !'APS Displayed in the English room are maps drawn by Jacqueline Collie and Mil lard Morgan Jr., selected for their accuracy and ori ginality. Millard cut out tiny ships and whales and pasted them on the map to illustrate important inci dents along the route. Janice Medlin, .Clara Faye Williams, Jacqueline Collie, Arleen Langston, Bobby Perry, Billy Horner, Bobby Lee Finch, and Harry Lee Nixon, according to the teacher, showed rem*ark- able improvement in their See MOBY DICK, page 8 1 L, (- ffr — - -i- -1^ L j_. '.I L iTe ^ I Iv/AIK t R — I IMI ... I J W TO? I ... — -rr.-r I Lkl_ •ftajr Mrs. Lr^urine Lassiter, first and only commercial teacher Thomas Finch and Thelbert Boykin, all American far- C. H. T.'alker, founder of-' niers. BUGLE. John V/olfe, first agricul ture teacher. N.H. I&Neally, first prin cipal .