October 24. 1947 BAILEY BUGLE BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA Page 15 FundsloHelpfinance New York Trip Of the 1.101.40 received at the door the night of the Coronation Ceremony, October 3, the entire amount, except for an amusement tax of one- sixth of the total, v/ill go tov/ard helping defray the expenses of a trip to the CSPA convention in Nov/ York in J^arch. All the members of the Bugle Staff attended the conference last year, and they agree that they gained many nev/ ideas. This year the class is again making plans to attend. A number of staff members are saving money all along for the expense of the trip. In this way they hope to have the necessary amount when the time comes to go. As the program included a cast of a hundred or more, it became necassary to charge those partici pating an admission price of 10 and 25 cents. Reg ular admissions were 25 and 35 cents. ANYTHING UNUSUAL? HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED- Being in the hospital Selling a cat Being a senior Chewing bubble gua Having a~nevv""daFe~ Driving a car Mopping floors Selecting another friend Having a fight Yifearing a red shirt ? VirTEe’ itit's hews!!' A Place To Meet And Eat. For That After School Snack TRY ' STOTT^S (CAFE. ice- Cream Let Us Get Your Car Fo Ready NOW The Lorig Winter Months Ahead ESSO Goi soline BAILEY SERVICE STA A. B. Corbett Prop- ESSO Oil ION B a i I e y, MC. if 11