Novembor 21, 194-7 BAILEY BUGLE BAILEY (MORTH CAROLIf^A no Production Increese In CARS And TRUCKS ProrDised $ before JULY—1948 17 On Wheels To acquaint tho stiident with far - away ci-tios and historic placos, Bailoy High’s travclors are using this column to give skctchos of interestin'^ si(jhts visitod this •na‘3t evimor, 10, 194.7 Doar Friend, As you knowj I s^ont a week t'"'is suinmer in Murray Kcntuckj'’, vj.sitin'^ Sue Lassiter, ’"Jhile there wo went to see the Kentucky Dam, a hugo concrote structure, consisting of oighty - four miles of water called tho Kontuc’-y Lake, lar;'3:'',st m.'in -* made lake in tho world, . . On our tri") back homo wo wore ablo to visit the Mammoth Cavo, Mover boforo had I realized hovr beautiful and fa'iicinatino- a cavo could be! Formations of rock roGQmblin'^ strips of bacon, fro:3en Niagara Falla, a Knif^ht in armor; and so many other anpojrent rs'orodi’c- tions made us gasp v/ith wonder. There was even humor throo hundred feet under ground with tho tompurature 57°, believe it or not; for our gu.ido kept "his little ’rood'', as ho callcd about one hundred and fifty si.f^ht - seor^, lau'^hing durinp tho tour. ■ » ... s "s you have >^essed by now, I enjoyed my trip to Kentucky very much, Jacqueline Golllo Have Your CAR Present O TPsUCK REPAIRED By Factory Trained Mechanics Ii PHONE 331 bailey; N.C My TripToThe Smokies This past summer I vis ited my sister- in Sylva, North Carolina. The most interesting event of my trio was the ride to the top of the Smokies. From tho road many beauti- fvil flowors could bo seen. The moimtain laurel was in full bloom, J'.fter aboiit thirty minutes of a con tinuous climb, we reached Newfound Gap, This is a nlaco whore four highways meet, forming tho lino between North Carolina and Tennossoo; From Newfound Gap we went to Clingnoji’s Dome. On tho way wo saw several boars. People woro feeding and taking pictures of them. Looking out over tho val ley, wo could see tho tops of sevoraJ. mountains. W.F,