BAILEY BUGLE December 16. 1947 BAILEY,NORTH CAROLINA ■Pagft .5.. Visiting The Commercial Department-BgmeaseEatmon GEOG. CLASS COMPILE general Business ClassVisits Post Office-, REPORTS ON N.C. That the students understand the topo2ra;phy, resources, exports and' imports, edixcatioiial rating, health, and transportation was tho "otive of the com- norcial (jeography teacher for reruirin;;; tho class to prepare a 1000 word thnsie on North Carolina. After a five-day research and study the reports vrore organised and v/ritten, **Most of the reports shot;, ed clear thinlcin.-^, organi zation, and niuch effort,'' Postmistress Explains Hegulations stat iJrs. Laurine Lassi ter, top.cher, "The reports of Jacqueline Collie,I'lill- ard Ilorgan, Jackie lildvrards, Bobby Glover, and Ben ]Jthcridgo deserve honor able mention." TvpingH Design ristmas Cards a That sccond year ty^")in2 students lai^ht learn that artistic designs as v;ell as straight typing can be done on tho typovnriter ;ras the purpose of having the students nal'c Christmas cards on the tyoovrriter. The designs, as nearly original as possible, wore first dra\/n on paper and thon tjrpod on tho stcncil. Pictirros that couldn't bo made on tho typoinriter v;cro drawn on the niitioo- scope..\fterwards the cards were mlRieographod in Christmas colors. "Some students’ cards were so attractive that they plan to use them for Christmas," states Jtrs» Laurine Lassiter, instruc tor. Climaxing the unit on Mail the general business class visited the local postoffico. Mrs, Claiborne Glover, assistant postmis tress, explained in detail mailin'''- rogtilations that all people should knov/, Mrs. Glover discussed dif ferent classes of mail, postage required for un sealed first-class mail (as Christmas cards), and the filling out of appli cations for postal money orders, registered mail, and parcel post packages. At tho conclusion of the explanation members of the class asked questions re garding postal require ments, "If wo could educate the public to certain postal regulations," states Mrs, Glover,,,"ovir work v;ould bo easier^" Judging from excjnples ■brought to class, Mrs. Lassiter states, "The stu- jnts arc more obsorvanti* For A Merry ; C h ristmas SERVE OUK FRUITS, CANDIES ] NUTS, AND MEATS. OURS IS (Service You Can | Depepd Uponf) . D. TEMPLE (BAlLtY-PHONE 191 To Please Your Child On Morning Select F r o nn ED^S 5(ttol5 STaEil Bc3il©y, N.C. •• ,u,. mtss