BAILEY 8UGLE Page K BAILEY NORTH yROLINA WhoKnowsTheFactsRel ativeIo U. M.T? A proposed measxire is now being considered by Congress that if passed will affect ‘ the young manhood of our country. We, as seniors, who will be most affected by the passing of this bill, would like to know the truth. Isn’t Universal Military Training pre~ paration for war rather than for peace? Is it in keeping with the traditions of our government?. Don't militaristic nations fight more raadily than other nations? Are we being given the truth rather than bding fed with propaganda? No person objects to serving his country if it 3^ necessary; but if these questions cannot be answered in the affirmative, it is essential that we use our influence to urge people of voting age to aid in the prevention of the passing of this bill. Congressmen are responsive to the will of the people. At)ril l6f 19AS a,l Ey p. Published Monthly by JOORIIALISK CLA3S and CmmCJAL D3?.^Tii]iIT Bailey, ilorth Carolina Member G.S.P.A. Mitor "vor,,^! PooIg Jusinesa iianff." ers Beth Bis-'iette,Bobby Finch Isso, Dds M. Lancaster J, Edirards,.,, Hatnon, B. Etheridge L^sistant Sds.,,. 0. Bea:.-d, R. Philli"!S,... ,H. Perry, F. Lsv;is, R, Fanaor, W. Finch, J, Oollio; D, Ifai’ray, M, liorgan, S. Lassiter, P. Leiniia, Advisors, J. P. Faraer, L. Lcs^itor IGotFeature BIu9s I vrrack ay brp.i-.i, I arn in pain, I cai'mOu v.'i’i'l/O a foature. I toar 3nrr..v;l in zrj chair, ■Jish ")oinoii for • teacher. my Now if tha'l; wa3.1 Vfould only fal].. I’d have a .subjcct, maybe, Bv.t s?-nccj it won’t I glTCSS I don't— I thinlc I'll just be lafiy! Octavia Beard NOTICT. ’ At least one ju.nior vre Iqiow has changed her name- and we don't nean by get ting married, cither I Blanche Phillips wishes to bo called •'Bettj?''' hence forth. The April showers of 156/;. sprouted ideas in the nind Ox Sha’;espea'’e, VJho Imovrs irhat those of 194-S ’.all do? IC'iR Y". About a half-dosen luclcy hic;h ochool students have ridden on Lewis Watson’s red fire enj^ine. In case you haven' )en it, it' s a cu-te but ancient model, and is just the thir.g for hsy rides,Hint! Mr, Watson. A'lD T:nri pigic it 300 yards » Greater love hath no man than this—that he pick plant beds for •another to act in the senior play. Thanks, Boz, Shorty, and Billy Horner, !.'JE HO?"J :.IOT I.'^’^ping II has been deep in the mcJcing of wills, ”lf I don’t catch up soon/' says ITell Thor?ie, "the next one I "lake will be my own, ” «- . H5LPFUL HINT The senior class thinks that the best \ro.j to ease stare fr;’.f;lit is to throw a snuarc dr:,ice ■iust before the curtain noss u"i, AND !C h:1^RD, i'Jov/j wouldn't it be nice if all we girls had broth ers vmo 1/ere as good at dishwashing as TaDjjiage ("Tanke^/;') Poole? 0, B,