'bailey bugle, bailey. H. C. OCTOBER. 19^0 Page 9 Journolistic liJork Pri-vinwed fit Chapel Hill The. ninth annual North Carolina Scholastic Press Institute met in Chapel Kill, October 6 and 1, and byjneans of a series of speeches and discussions, presented the technique of journalistic va'iting. Dr, Josef^i H, tiurphj'', di rector, Columbia Scho lastic Fress, Nevf York, effectively opened the conference vdth an address beneficial not only to journalism students but also to every high school student, jc^oints stressed most were knov^ledge of vrords and language, pride in writing, and the real ization that v,Titing por trays character and person wherever and whenever com positions are read. Speeches on nevfspaper writing and make-up were delivered by speakers re presentative of different papers in North Carolina, Thomas J. Lassiter, of the Smithfield Herald, listed honesty, variety, balance, and brevity as vital traits in editorial Virriting, A1 Resch, Publisher of The Chatham Hews, Siler City, offered hints on the selling and der^igninrj of ads. LiscuGsions carried on helped every school to get an idea of other schools' problems and solutions, L'embers of the Bailej'- staff received profitable ideas from other schools through contact with indi viduals and speakers. From my visit I discover ed that college life is briskly run during class , time. The pupils have ten minutes to change classes. And, according to the way the students scam.per a- cross the campus, the en tire ten minutes are taken, Hovraver, the students who have cars and even the ones vrho bicycle to the next period find it quite easy to reach across-the- campuc claoGcs, In the late afternoon after classes the students are seen strolling to and from the cafcteria, plea sure riding vdth friends, or just talking. College life, as I see i1^ is largely punctual vdth time set aside for social activities. Anne Bunn Your He3dquerters for ITlorton's TGrder-Quick Ulortnn's 5ugnr-Cure ITlorton's ITlGat Suit Old-Fo shionGiJ Sausoge Seasoning flnti -Skipper Compound a nd Custom Sausage Grinding & Stuffing Frostofold Freezer Containers D. L. John son Market Pi?„QlG4Q_“J Bailey. North Carolina