BAILEY BUGIE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. NOVET0ER. 19^0^ ^ Pa£Q U Basketball Season Scon To Open; Same Loyal Suppoft ExpGCtQcl Basketball season is al most here again. Since wo do not olay football and baseball is not an impor tant uart of our inter scholastic orogram, basket ball is king of shorts for our school. The teams have been unusually well sun- norted for the past few years. Fe hone thaj. ^ this support will continue on the part of both studcnlis and patrons. For the first time in several years the girls vd.ll have a lady coach. She is Yfell qualified for the job from expcriencc and training. Although several girls on the team last year were lost through graduation, this year's team promises to be average or better. With the good prospects coming UP in the ninth grade on the boys' team, they should also have a good team. The Players and coaches are going to do their best. The new checr leaders are going to do what they can to improve the "pep" at the games. The students who will attend at home and avray have a responsi bility. Each one has the duty to behave as a young lady or gentleman v/herc- ever we play. Our school and our community will be largely judged by our con duct at our athletic con tests. The following county-wide regulations were passed a few years ago. They are being set forth again to emphasize the importance of' fair Play and good sportsmanship. i. No principal or coach is to go on the court to talk with the referees. 2. Arty abuse of the referee by player or coach is to be penalized. 3. The penalty shall be ^>;1G fine and loss of two ^amos in the won column in determl;ning Refinishing the gym floor cost That took most of the rental received from the American Legion after paying fuel and light bills. Since a floor can bo scarred and scuffed seed^r^ so easily, let everyone stay off the floor unless wearing basketball shoes.. Complete Paint end ^Va/'pap. er i4»-; I SDPtftCE. VENETIAN BUNDS-ARTISTS SUPPLIES-HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES A/lake Ycur Point Problem Our Business Bridgers Paint and Wallpaper Co. CA.BdlDGERS, Owner 125 Tarbcro St. Wilson N.C.