BAILEY BUGLE, BAILEY NORTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER Page 3 Poetry Becomes Post-Time of Cotherine Stott DAILY THOUGHTS Two years ago C&therine Stott, an eighth grade student of Bailey High, vfas striclcened v:ith polio myelitis, Since then she has been a patient at Rex Hospital, lialeigh* To prove that a hospital ized patient isn't at all dov/n-cast- and blue, Cathy declares; "Many people feel that being confined to a hospital is dull and listless, I can assure you that they are very much wrong. How you make the day is what counts, "I have a ..hobby of coll ecting dolls, dolls from Japan, Greece, London, and all over the United States. I attend drive-in theaters, ice shows, and visit homes here in Raleigh, Now, one of my biggest thrills is follovTihg^ my, f^voritfe ball teams on television, V.^ith the help »'C)f Fred Fletcher of VJRAL yra secured money from dif ferent donors, and were fortunate to get a tele vision set for our hall, "I hear from many people, former classmates and people I have never seen," The following thoughts are a sample of Cathy's past-time, v/riting poetry. The poem has appeared in several daily State papei-s, REDGEi EDWARDS Fancy & Heavy GROCERIES f Your Patronage As I lie in bed each day Thinking what next may cone ray vfay, Tliinlcing of the folks back home And v;ondering hm long 1*11 be gone. But yet sometimes it may seem sad, It»s not really all bad, V.lien you think of alD the friends you*ve made And how they've helped you guide your v;ay. And if you alv;ays look around There's alvrays someone to be found That's sicker than you are in many ways And may not see half as many happy days; Even though I cannot vfalk I feel lucky that I can talk. Yet it may be a very long wait before I vmlk to llj’- home gate, Some days'nay seem ai/fully blue. But I pray thee then I'm good as new, C,Stott ■K.F.D. 1 Wilson ^ N.C. At Ho.rne’s Church Is Appreciated Anna Beth May Wins First Place In Contest Anna Beth Hay, 11; month old daughter, of l.Ir, and :irs, G . J, Llay, and the baby sponsored by the jun ior. class in' the P. T. A, Baby Contest, was cro^med the winning baby after re ceiving the highest number of votes, 13,800,’ Jewel Christian, v/ith « total of 11,000 was runnerup, Anna Beth and Jewel were each awarded sterling silver cups. Total receipts from the contest and Yfomanless T/edding,, also held the same rught, were The junior class, as sponsor of the winning baby, was given a party by the P, T, A, Xa/n/nl^ Men's - Women’s. And Children's REfiOy TO iUEflR Bailey, N, C, DEPT. ..STORE