Bailey Bugle. Bailev^ i^.C. January^ 19^^! Pagfi ^ IF M M II I ■■ IMIII I 111 I IMI ■ I l-~ l-i.i —I . ■ II I I I ■ II I ■ ■ Students SumitThemeslo Charles Darnay And Sydney Canon —by Ed Pace English Contest Sponsored By NC. English Teachers Six students submitted manuscripts to the Good ’^Titing contest sponsored by the Ilorth Carolina i^nj- lish Teachers Associationfe Editorial Board and Compo sition Coin!:iittee, under the direction of Dr. F. E. Bovman, of Duke University, The themes ivere m’itten by four seniors,Anne Dinn^ Lucinda Stott, Ed Pace, Bobby Lamm, and two jun iors, Ruth •Tilliams and Eiinice Perry. RECjULATIONS Students did not have any designated subject as their topic: personal ex periences, hoT;ever, T^ere preferred. Re;;,xilations excluded name of teacher, school, or v.'riter appear ing on the Tfritten mate rial. Three readers, without a knowledge of the writer, school, or teacher, judge and select the best manu scripts. The papers jud- f^ed best are published in Student life, a special edition of the North Car olina En:;^lish Teacher. Pa- ^rs receivinfi second- place ratinjr are given hon orable mention. PUBLICATION ■’.Triters nay request a let ter of commendation to the director of admissions to the college they hope to enter. Anne Bunn’s theme has al ready been published in the Bugle. Each month there v;ill appear one of the remaining five manu scripts . This’month it is Ed Paceb theme• I recently read Charles Dickens' A TALE OF TWO CITIES. In this tragic story of Paris and London during the French Revolution, the author creates tv/o characters, strikingly alike, strikingly unlike, Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay, In appearance both men are identical twins5 both are well educated and possess a good back ground) but in morals and ambitions they are completely different. It is the author’s handling of these char acters and his use of their identical looks to give a (continued on pa^e 9) For 0 better lookifiQ bathroom — See SMITH PLUMBING CO. BAILEY PHONE 781 ALSO . Cast iron soild pipes • Gould’s v;ater systems « Duralite paints . Oil water heaters • Electric water heaters . Copper pipes and fittings . S®il pipes and fittings . lYhirlpool automatic washers • Oil space heaters . Complete kitchen equipment ,f Venetian blinds