Bailey Bugle, Bailey, North Carolina February 1951 Page?! Locals Compete - In Seed Contest Federation held its annual, seed fudg ing contest January l8 at V/atson's Seed Fara near Hoc Icy Mount. Eleven chapters, having three participants each, entered the event. Gene Finch, Tomiiy Glover, and Ray Jones Jordan repre sented the local club with Theron Sanders as alter nate* Upon arrivin^^, tha con testants Vv-ere shovm a film and told the rule s of the contest. Y/hen the event v/as over and the papers graded, the mnning teams vrere announc ed. Coopers walked off with first place, Spring Hope and Tfest r^dgecombe trailed with second and third respectively. I£r. John V/ells, agricul ture teacher, states that although the locals were not among the top three, they r.jade a very credit able shovdng. The competing teans were served barbeque and fried chicken at Buck Overton's in Ilocky Ilount after the contest. I v'oideh '.iiT I've seen a lot of pretty girls, vrith rosy cheeks and "old en curls; But you are the sweetest • yet by far, I wonder v^hy you aren't a movie star, To you I offer my love and hand, For you are the sweetest, I.^y 3v;eetheart "Jan". Clara Lou Stott RvGpresentative of Chowan Speaks to Seniors In her visit to the • of attending a junior col- seniors, Mrs. Lee, a rep- le^e before entering a resentative of Chov;an Junior Collese located in liurfreesboro. North Caro lina, discussed with the seniors the educational facilities and benefits of a junior college. Mrs. Lee advised the seniors on the necessity EXCELLENT 0 n 1 R 5 HOmE COOKED ITlEflLS planned for your TA5T E a nd NUTRITION visit STOTTS CAFE Bailey / N.C. senior college. She fur ther acquainted the class with Chov/an as a v;hole. For meats^staples^ candies dri nks } } ar^d ice creann GOTO .tj- iK Next To BAILEY SHOP fBoJjLu , T?. c.. You. Ca,n H&vt. SPAkKLim LOVELIER I HAIR COLOR i'pial 88-1 for an Cp ppointment i ll.Iw s Bailey, N, C,