Bailey Bugle, Bailey,..North Carolina, May,19^1 Page 8 Tccl-tcctThcEngine Once upon a time in a sta tion in storyland there T/as a little engine named Toot-Toot* All the other engines were always boast ing about themselves. But little Toot-Toot never said a Vord. He just sat quietly. Then one day the freight train v/as broken dovm. All the other eng ines ’v/ere out of the sta tion, So they had to’call on little Toot-Toot. Of course he v/as very proud. So they got him v/armed up. They got him out of the station. Then they got all of the fruit that little Toot-Toot could carry. He started to the city. All day and night he traveled. Yfhen he reached the city people were very glad to' have Toot-Toot carry fruit. So from now on little Toot- Toot has always carried the fruit to the city. By Jerry Taylor Goodbye To the prinary students rnd teacherc for their assistance in supplying news to the Bugle this past year, I send a sin cere "Thanic you," It has been a pleasure to be able to work with such a co-operative group. During the year I have made many new acquain tances among the smaller students and their teach ers; these 'I r.lll trer- sure alT/ays, And now as the school year draws to a close, I wish to thank each one of you at,ain and wish every one a very happy vacation, Doris Joyner Primary Reporter Class Reads Books; In connection with their regular‘’reading, students in Mrs» Rudolph Glover’s second grade have read sev eral extra books, The three in the class vdth the greatest number of books read are Kay Thompson, 22 books; Robert Studies Turtlos Mathews, 20j amd' Phyliss Ann Manning, 19, A prize will be awarded by lirs. Glover to the stu dent who reads the most. The class also has a spot ted turtle v/hich it is us ing in connection mth the class work. In need of service???? CALL Fred^ your plumber SMITH PLUMBinG CQ Phone781 Bi^iley^N.C. Cast iron soil pipes HJoshing mochines Venetion blinds LUoter heoters Ourlite paints