SC?iOOL REOPENING deceiver 31 VOLUI.E 12, No. h BAILEY,/N. 0.) DECEI.3ER, 1951 I I . ' ' COOl^HS vs BAILEY JANUARY U MONTHLY-lOi# YEARLY- ■ Student Typist Accept Jcb UJith Candy Co. Gle,e/(CluiJo Give Concert Friday Typing II class has ac- .. cepted the job of typing nO!l(3dy for the Porter Candy Com- itTnf pany of Glenbar, New York, j In reality this job is /jp, done through the use of /studi Office Practice Sets .These /are sets are being used for / +ioAs /for the first time in Typingll./ itV Plan ■paitler^ number of far raw^y\^ places ” planned destina- Cnristraas hol- They provide a variety of/ business forms, such as purchase requisitions, in voices, monthly statements, checks, promissory notes, deeds, and leases. Through their use the students is faced vath the actual/job done in a real situatn/on. These materials prpvid] an "excellent" project f training students ifo fol- lovv directions a come a self-reliAnt—jtwo qualities that all ofSxce workers should / possj6ss, reports the inst/uctc off tq udol ah Lllie *rm ikrjdrie Fin fl!ac (Burgess •’inci head /and fog of clahoma aM ■^paceW' fo] the\sunn; FlWida Lessing for the capital of C., lis Wayie Lariim. Jamice Ectvrajds visiting in Aqhevi Brujbe Fintjh Virginia, Norfolk. Supply Soles/Rrous/ Parents; Studen How much profit /is majtie in the school's / supfJly room? And noes th© county give the/ supplies which are sold rto the /students? are questions commonly ask ed by p^ents and students. Recei-v^ng no funds from the iounty, the supply room /operate^,-©*! a seir=~ supporting /^asisVv-%i store is /mintai ne)^ __ f j- the st\Megts'*^efiefit. At £ ome supply stores principal purchase pjaper and a-nickel fraction cents. Thi to procure plies or CaTo Vi/ushinntonJ ■Wi. Y/eatver can iw6-f or-\ pencils for a less than five profit ife used increased sup- add a different varxe iejijc—^ supplies . Typ- -maceiLJicamDas s e n- ing ^papftr campassej edt-poneads, Erom th county office Qarfe s^d / cBit or just above Enlivening the conclu sion of the first semester of school will be the Christmas concert present ed by the glee club, under the direction of Jdiss Julia Lawrence, The familiar carols— Silent Night, Jingle Bells, 0 Holy Night,"I'estminster Carol, 0 Come All Ye Faith ful, The First Noel, Bring ^ Torch Jeanette Isabella, ~^ite Christmas, Christmas Hymn, and We V^ish You A Merry Christmas— are to be rendered by the mixed voices of the glee club. Cornelieus Boykin, presi- Barbara Lamr.i, Vice esident; Jerry l^rry, se- tarj^ and treasurer; and Harris, advisor^ are officers that were se lected at a recent meeting. \ 1? 5t\idenis Leaving \FofOl^her Schools Charles\ L. Coon, Nash- Lucama, Middlesex ahd Aossilyy other schools backon to \at least 12 of the hfgh scijool pupils who are moVing. Those leaving are Julia Hooks, Audrey Pittman, Reba Bryant, Jean Taylor, Shirley Rose Deans, Rabon RhodeSi _ Christine Fowler, |s,JiFiiiy Bennette, lomps onw.sQic Pe&e, ^ Ffeittie .Flossie