Bsll Season Opens Next Faday af Sp/ng Hope BAi-JQUET ? .njittOR-SEMOR EASTER HOLII^.Y' MONDAY AFIIIL lU. VOLUlffi 12 MO. 7 MARCH, 1952 PRICES: Mi^HLY-lOfi YEARLY-75^^ Bugle Receives ^yledalist Rating Medalist Rating, the highest rating given to school newspapers by the Columbia Scholastic Press Associa tion, was av/arded to the BiHLll^Y BUGLE last v/eek. The newspapers were grouped for competition according to the type of school, size of school, the publication, and type of publication. Five ratings Tfere given to the entries. They were Med alist, highest; first place, requiring 850-1000 points; second place, ?50- %9 points; third place, 650-7i49 points, and fourth place, below 6h9 points. According to the local nevrspapers the BAILEY BUGLE was the only nev/spaper in the Carolinas coming from a school of 300 high school students or less that received the Medalist Rating. The national list has not been received. Chape! PfC'^rams Hit High Note in VariGty If variety is the spice of life, then the chapel programs presented this month should have added zest to the school. Programs of science, pa triotism, music, and com edy presented variety and interest. The chemistr:/ class demon strated some experiments they have tested in chem istry; a patriotic program si^Tnbolizinj^ February T/aa â– iven by the seniors; an all-musical program, by the 2lee club; and a Negro iviinstrol, by the juniors. Prt-School Clinir. To 8e (fech 25 Annual pre-school clinic is scheduled here March 25 for the childi'en who will be entering school next fall. An examination will be given to see if the child is physically handicapped to the extent of retarding his progress in school. If the youngster does have any handicaps, the con ditions will be discussed with the parents and there by, be corrected by the time school starts. Smallpox vaccination will be given. The state also requires each child shall have vaccination for diph theria and whooping cough before entering school. All parents are requested to bring their child who will enter school next year for the vaccinations and examination. If the parents are unable to come, the child should be sent along mth his birth and vQc-ci mtti on cei-ti fi cctes . Third Place ^Not Bsd' Thinks Director "AS this is the first time the glee club has en tered the district contest of the NCMEA, I think a tliird rating is good", states Idss Julia Lawrence^ director. Conmients of the three judges were; "Second so prano and alto section need improvin;;^ tone quali ty; entrances are weak; and harmony is bad at times. "Prayer, "Ilaensel and Gretel" was beautifully sung. The melodic line and steadiness of rhythm was graded good." Ihree Typists Qunlify For C.T. Pins Each month. Typing II stu dents receive from Gre,jg Publisliing Company a stan dardized Competent Typist Test. This test is sent to thousands of other stu dents over the United States. To pass the test one must type 50 words per minute vath not more than five errors for a period of ten minutes. A C.T. gold-plsted pin is av/arded to each vriniier of the test. This month three students qualified. They v;ere JACKIE mm, 55-1; sarak PEELE, 5U-2; and HARY ANN , MTI.L1'B., c;3-5.