^ BAILEY BUGL1^.- RrTLEY. NORTH CAROLINA. MECft^952. PAGE 16.. }iOpter flttends Bi-Counly Rally ^—j. belegotesTo Attend Tea At Gov. Mansion ?ourteen members of the Ealley Chapter of the Fu- t'rce Homemakers of America 5.ttended the Nash-Franklin ?. H. A. Rally at Franklin- *,on, Saturday, March 1. Prior to the general ses sion for the day, a musi cal program was presented by the Franklinton chapter. The opening ritual was l®d by the president, Dtris Gamer, of the Red Oik chapter. Devotionals W5re given by Middlesex wi.th Franklinton extending greetings. Mary Ann Face, treasurer, of Bailey gave the financial report, w:iile Red Oak had charge of presentation of candi dates. i;Xiring new business, the Nashville chapter extended a-i invitation for the raly nsxt year. The invitation ■Was accepted. The program, a panel dis cission on "Boy-Girl Rela tionships" , was arranged by the Franklinton group. ATTENDAICE BANNER About 230 delegates from the county chapters attend ed, in addition to teacheis and guests. An attendance banner was presented the Middlesex chapter for the largest number present ac cording to enrollment. Those representing Bailey were Mary Ann Pace, Shir ley Creech, Jackie Bragg, Fannie Lou Manning, Amy Lou Horton, Pansy Murray, Barbara Rhodes, Mary Ann Edwards, Louise Davis, Annie Ruth Brown, Pennet- tie Wiggs, Wanda High, Je- roma Eatmon, and Geraldine Strickland, accompanied by Mildred Manning, Idalia Og lesby, and Frances Wilson. Patricia Chappell, Nash ville, won the presidency for next year in the se cret ballot election - of officers. Other electees were Betty Ann McGee, Franklinton, vice presi- dentj Shirley Creech, Bai ley, secretary] Janet Camp bell, ~Benvraue, treasurer^ and Loucrecia House, Red Oak, song leader. Six F.H.A, chapter girls and the club advisor will attend a State F.H.A. Con vention at Hugh Morsian High School in Raleigh, and later attend a tea at the Governor's Mansion, given by Mrs. Kerr Scott, who will receive the guests. Those attending the meei;.- ing and tea are Fannie Lou Manning, Mary Ann Edwards, Mary Ann Miller Pace, Judy Lamm, Jan Perry, Clara Lou Stott, And the advisor, Miss Frances Wilson. The tea will be held imne- diately following the «^on- vention. BAILEY DRY CLEANERS