riAT.LKY..J^UGL£».,BULi::i.,.. NQIITH,CAROLINA, APHTL,. 19S1 H3V^ You LOIS THIGPEN •■•‘.'Oi'IDL'HED—if some- seniors lost some bets on the loca tion of the banquet? "'•ho'll be next to "et a new car, Frai^ or R.O.? I'll predictj ^rank,) Vfhy it doesn* t rain once in a great vihile, instead of so-o-o-o often. How one does evil enough •.Yhen one ^do'e's nothing good. HEARD—i.lr. Pittman thought "pedal-pushers” v^ere some thing to 7/ear on the feet. Je^ vTells and ^.^s. riag- ypo^"attended the Azalea Fes'bival (Proof ed nose.) A tortoise on the right path ivill beat a racer on the vjrong path? There are only 26 days of school left? BfllLEy SERVICE ' STRIIOn Phone 268 Life consists of learning how to accept the impos sible j how to do without the indispensable, and how to endure the insupport- able .. How !.iiss V/ilson hands out advice on da't'ing, marriage and such? — in l-'/ilmington? Jean had a blister- SEEN—any stray "darkies", (Namely, Shirley Creech, Joyce ’wxlliams, Worih ‘^Jalker, and L'^ar Finch,) How spring affects some people? LIr. ?»’eaver dictating to shorthand students? WHAT will HE see IF he PEEPS in YOUR window'^ iw/*.».vA*Sv\v.*.^*.v W«v‘ cA^»V«yVAv*%YiVA'»\ mm W.VW. L ' •! I? •> I 4* « .... ?r k Will it be.... 3 new paint job? new wQllpoper? electrical appiisnoes? from Bridgefs Peint & Wsllpsper Co. Wilson, N.C.