PMlE-2£. T. V. Brightens Classwork Mrs. H. .7. Yfeaver's fourth grade entertained the fourth and fifth v/ith a "Television” pro- ^^rara last Friday. The program^ Strange In terests In Central China, v/as presented to the group by the class. The speeches, given by a fe\v of the stu dents, came to the class rooin over the sound system. Other members of the class, using the "television set", demonstrated various means of transportation used by the Chinese. The "television set" v;as card board boxes covered iT/ith canvas cloth and de signed by members of the class . For all your FiSHine TACKLE FIELD SEED and I i SGG BfllLEH SEED STORE My Lire's Story Ebmentory Hi-Lites In Nash County in the state of■North’Carolina on April lii, 19iiO, a darling little red-headed girl was born named Shirley Faye. I weighed about eight and a half pounds. My parents’ names are'and Mrs, Edward V/illiams. They were very proud of me. As the months vrent by I grevf to be a healthy little ;.irl,and at the age of nine months I was walk ing. I continued to grow with out having- any sickness. At the age of six I sts.rt- ed to school. I hadn't been in school very long when I became ill with measles and chickcnpox. I missed only a couple of days from 's chool and was back again. In the following grades I made honor roll r_rades vdth only 'two absentees from school. At the clos ing of school last year I v;as promoted to the sixth grade and here I am doing good work, hoping to be in the seventh grade this fall. I'^hen I grovj up I would like to be a secretary or housewife. Shirley Fave '.Tllliams After using crutches for four weeks, Judy Smith is now able to walk without them. Because of illnessjLois Jean Eatmon, sixth grader, missed her second day of school since entering the ^irat grade. "/\ Help fu I Everyday Friend" ETHERIDGE DRUG STijRE Set your druggist for oil prescription needs Bailey? N.C, ?Taen it's HOT Stay COOL / (I- ^ ^ ' T/ith lovely hair Phone 0^-1 Bailev3N.C. Styled by— o LILLim BEAUTY SHOP