T Color Hormony ^ w->:,Building-4o Open Soon; :pi-£qiiip.e oi: Jjiro u g h o u t ■rIm^^5e^'''^^Cthe breeze way, joining the ,■■■ ■ w \\ 'ne^T'tojiildingj the home econo- ... D-EG.,/ X95P \ department/""T^afeteria, kitchon, “V'b’ty, N^^\boiler room, the new building sXrww'b^n^ equipped and paintedc The rs Tt^FEl^// ./ /' is ito;?g^ e nt^in g■■ t he home^-economics'" department of ^ the new building for the first time say that there is something about / the color harmony of th^ jfoom that halts thei^ steps at the door a^d makes them want to stndy the color-combina);ion effect that "grasps" / they onlooker, / COLOR COMBINATION As one enters this de partment, his eyes are drawn at once to the kitchen units at the 05^0-i site end of the roor second’s thought will rei veal the secret. The dari green wall at the /back, the wall cabinets finist^d in light oak, yhe two assimilated i-dndo>is reveal-i ing the lush green of/the "spring exterior," /the cabinets below povergd in/ tan linen i light ivoiy CBl^tex ceiling, and the flaking / sid| walls of light, eye-re£ green all give a st/-ikin^, pleasing picture. KITCI^N UNITS Sach. of the kitcnen units was desigrjed with/the idea of having*^ adequaiye storage space and convenient work ing areas. There are three modem/ kitchens, all f'arms Led with viall and Tnis Home hc In DefeigniAg ave lone kitchen \dean n a U shape, anothep shape, a]id U third in oblopg on(;-wkll Kitc^ U kitchen has elecftrxc rang(3: th^ ot two I have two I of the cabinets Shelves, ding Represents the Latest r^ges. chensIcor LalzM-Sus EQUIP] ■jpace has besn l^fi\ nea: the kitchen section \^or washing machine andl home be! ptqro^aaed tc freezer later, A garmen closel triple-mirrored floor/cabind _ ^ ranges e ^ifferendi l|i 0 arrangemeOT oil s@pliancWs, cabins 3 and equipment id-th loors enabling ihe studeht to view her garment \ from every anglej a tote-tray cabinet with individua?, tote fitted in a fornvffTa nahinRt» >iige inks; sE3 piigei>-'-sijmn t—tsULe cort en§i^ ii n Q- -,el^trii machinesj D ^w tread3 STjporlRtGndent and .workers hoping to have it ready move into by the end this month, breeze way has a . flat roof, the step type, supported by columns, colored The cement walk has on it a shuffle that is used by the grades at their period. The ceil- ite has a two way sy^em. INTRANCE ntrance to the build- ,as wo double doors leading into a large lobby. \The ceiling'is cello-tex, has two ceiling lights, and the walls are painted rose tour. The home economics depart- ,^merrt--hassKa|n indirect light- systep of nine sec- JionisflThei'e ii*e ifive sec- (See HDI'IE EC. pa|gp[f) 0- (5ee NEliT ElQiSiNG page2)