BAILLY BUQL.. BiJLTY, NOriTK , DZCSIIB^It.' 1^5^ 1---GJ h Proud of' Best Tells Story Soon aftdr the holiday, students will begin using the new cafeteria and the new home economics' department. Have we weirhed the significance of this move to our school, which in reality means us students? For all students it represents the latest in modern cquipir.ent and designing. It will mean classes will no lon'.rer be disturbed by students goin^ to the lunchroom. It means a place of privacy and intimacy -for small i'roups to have meetin-js, stage banquets, talent shows,or what have you. For those students eating at school it means an invit ing place to eat with plenty of room, plenty of seats, adequate service,' and ■^reater safety measures. For the home ec. students it provides adequate storage spacc for or':;ani2ed arrangement of equipment. It offers v/orl'.inr conditions comparable to almost any that stu dents nay have in their homes. Lvcryone is proud of this new addition to our school. May our pride reflect itself in every action of ours v;hile v;ithin either division of the building. Ideas From Paper V'fhat other schools are doing may be gleaned from the exchange papers. Some ideas noted chal lenge possibilities else where; others offer mo ments of laughter. 1, The "Don't Be A V'^hickle" column carries the best advice for high school students that I've BAILEY BUGLE Published monthly 100 per copy EDITOR: Mary Ann Edwards ASST. EDITORS: llayne Lamm Lois Thigpen EUSIMEC3 liGR. Jerry Perry STAFF:Ann Earp-Bruce Finch Peggy Liles Shirley Febb Vivian Glover-Tanya Glover Jimmy Harris Bertha Bass Rena'. Bissette TYPISTS: Carolyn Howell Frances Carroll Joyce Williams-Earbara Nell Lamm ADVISORS: Farmer—Lassiter P(31S--B. FINCH seen in any school paper, -Fre-No“Ca Highlights Fremont H.S, 2, The Bugle Staff wishes to compliment the M.H.S. Riombler on their outstanding array of humor, M,H»S, Rumbler Middlesex H.S. 3. From reading the "Hope'n Print" we’ find that Spring Hope H.S, has quite a few . physical-edu cation activities that miglit’spur the spirits of B.H.S. if we would take on a few more than v;e now' have. Hope'n Print .Spring Hope H,S, U. JOKE: You ean lead a horse to 'water, but *you cannot make hiin drink itj You can tell a gi^l you're handsome, but you cannot make her think it. The Sandspur Presbyterian Junior College Betwesr) by QiaA.0^ This month, I am going to pass along to you several bool'S that have been recom mended by the students of our scliool. Do ^/'ou like adventure? Then I surgcst' you read Call of the w'ild. It is a story of close relations betT/een a doj and his mas ter in the wild North. Test your wits by reading House of Seven Gables by Hawthorne. It has mystery, love, human nature, and myths, This book will hold your interest and at the same time make you think. If you're like me, you like to learn about people of other countries. In this category Fannie Lou Manning suggests Here is India. And now a biography. It's interesting to know who and what kind of people helped make this old v;orld. How about George li/ashing- ton Carver as a starter?! read this book and it help ed me to understand 'the Negro race much better. Are you interested in ac tivities of young people? Seventeen by Booth Tarking- ton is a cleverly v/ritten book discribing the many problems of a typical teen ager. That ends the list for this month., so I'll just sign off by saying "Merry Christmas’to all of you."