RATLEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA', FEBRUAIg% 1951. .PAGE 13 I i yitKi pt ^ .9 ^ 1 The Successful Former of Tomorrow /*> The Future Former of fodoy Fgther-SonBonquet First in flew Coteteria Cedar Chests Run High On List of Projects ClossSees Showing - of Pemant Fencing Fences which will last was the idea demonstrated by JIM PHILLIPS and HOWARD ELLIS, January 26 on the farm of AUTHUR BROWN. The 3Tonior-senior agricultural class and many of the farm ers in that area turned out for the demonstration. On that Monday rooming PHILLIPS, of the U. 3, Forestry Service^, opened the demonstration by show ing how to peel a post. Second, he explained the steps in preserving and the type of preservation to use on the posts. Following, ELLIS of the Agriculture Engineering Extension,demonstrated the correct way to put up a fence, stressing putting up one that will last. Assistant Co\inty Agent TAYLOR and Advisor WELLS arranged this showing. Supervisor ITIakesCheck i • A visit was paid the | Bailey agriculture depart- | meht the first week in February by T, B. ELLIOT from Woodland. ELLIOT is the district supervisor of agriculture teachers. ’•T.H, Clark has explained tobacco grading to all classes. Annual Father-Son banquet, the first staged in the new school cafeteria, will be next Wednesday evening at 7$00. The following committees contain the members re sponsible for presenting the banquet; INVITATION-Ronald Bis^tte^ Dwight Glover MENU - Junior Bass, Bruce Perry, James Wilson CLEAN-UP- Junior Dement, Billy Glover, John Lamm, Lee Home, Gerald Wiggs DECORATION- Jerry High, Harvey Denton, Lewis Davis HOGS- Doug Brown, Jerry Stone, Jennings Nixon FINANCE- Mack Lammi, Billy Ruffin, Doug Brown, Edwin Boys havs ordered oedar chest kits and are near coit^Jletion of these chestsi Ihey are Di^IGHT GLOVER, RUFUS BEARD, DAWNY GLOVER, DOUG BRO’/JN, AND HARVEY DENTON. JENNINGS NHON is making two table lamps, while BRUCE PERRY is construct ing a table. MARSHALL HIGH has made a radio end table and LEkyflS DAVIS, a comer rack. Each of the NINTH BOYS are making a nail box as the first part of his shop instruction. Ihis half of the ninth grade started work in the shop January. Next week is NATIONAL Finch F.F.A. WEEK. HEILIG-MEY E R.S FURNITURE Dealers in ALL KinOS OPHOfflE FURniSHinG Dial 3060 for Furniture-Carpets-Stoves-RangGS-dadios -mSHOR.lERIIl- I ’ Wilson _ — .