RATT.RY BUGI.F., . NORTH CAROLINA. FEB&.UARY . - FAGE -I£. ^ATT.Ti.Y RHOT.E. RATL^Y. NOhTH^ Tips For Teens.. -'-ERUCE PINCH and fEGGY-DILES. '■you, Are vre conscious of hc3w our clothesj our populari ty, and our personality re flect in .the eyes of others? CLOTHES Everyone knows that clothes do make for popu- Isa’ity 1 don't mean a ■’huge expensive wardrobe. It's not the price v/e pay for our clothes but the ability to choose them wisely. . If you feel that your fea tures are unattractive and’ you decide you may as well give up, STOP and STUDY yourself in the-, mirror. Everyone has at least one good feature, FIND IT. Then choose your clothes, make-up,- or hair style so that you accent that fea ture above all others; and your friends won't even notice your less attrac tive ones. Style of clothes can do wonders to ward increasing our popu larity. POPULARITY The type of girls boys like are ones that aren't alvrays filling the con- vsrsations with "CHIT- CI1A.T" about others, forcing their attentions on the boys with their popularity, family, or rich friends, or discuss ing other dates when they're out v/ith another bojr. Futhermore, boys don't like girls v;ho try to be individualists. Rely on him for something now and then, girls; have a good sense of humor and be a sport. These are quali ties each boy or girl ad mires in the other. If you're brooding over an unhappy experience or some sma4 "CHICKEN FIGHT" with your girl or . boy friend, remember every thing happens for the best and life's too short to dwell on your heartaches. Get back into circulation with the crowd, because whether you realize it or not someone is waiting for ■ Hovf well' we can do this indicates our personality plus or minus. WHAT NEXT'S T/’Jhat will come next? lilSS OGLESBY gave her U. S. history class a . test on their A, B, C's. )^0L • •• ^ HAVE YOU SEEN E. 0. STRICKLAND ABOUT BUYING THAT 1953 FORD ? CR IF INTERESTED IN A GOOD USED CAR, HE'S THE MAN TO SEE. BUT IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO KEEP YOUR PRESENT CAR, LET E. M. NElVSOfcE mKE IT LOOK LIKE NEl*/1 /our Friendly Ford Dealer pflRSon’s moTOR co. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA