BATT,V.Y BUGLE> BAILEY NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 19^3 llluminoting the fliumni PAGE 7 .Rena Bissette That "in the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love" is true autiong the alvunni. MATRBIONY O'MAX PACE has married JACiaE WLLIA.MS5 RUTH FAR MER became MRS. BOBBY PERRY at the Methodist Church here in Bailey on March 28j and RACHEL PACE is now MRS. FLETCHER WRENN. Recent engagements announced are those of IRENE GLOVER to BROOKS GLOVER, MAXINE FINCH to JOHN DEW, and JACKIE LAMI4 Spring Is Here Gross Is Growing Desires fire Showing For Hew Furniture YOU CRn GET YOUR Home FUR.n(SHinG5 FRom OUR WIDE SELECTIOnS OF to CHARLES STRICKUND. ARMED SERVICE SAMMY PHILLIPS and OWEN ST RIC KLAND we re examine d on April 1 for service in the U. 3, Arrty. OVJEN is sn A.C.College freshman, and SAMMY works his fath er. F, D, MMM passed . the examination for induction in the Arn\y; RONALD STONE, GENE FINCH, JAMES WIGGS, and PERCY JUNIOR MURRAY are home on furloughsj and EARL EARP has received his discharge. HOMEFOLKA AWAY BILLY JOE UMM is working in Newport News, Virginiaj Mr, and MRS. JIM MEDLIN are now residing in Virginia, and RUTH BEARD THOMAS and her son plan to join her husband in Alaska for a vacation. FAYE ETTA LANGSTON works in Burlington; GILDA GREY U.m FURNITURE PHILCO ELECTRIC APPLIANCES PO^ffiR LAWN MOVERS PEPJRI. SHEARIN and her daughter, Jo Ann, live near Fort Bragg where her husband is stationed as a paratrooper. OTHERS At home with her parents is MAVIS PERRY. FORREST PERRY JR. and wife (LUCILLE FINCH), and his two boys, Jimrry and Danny, are farming near Bailey. JESSIE MAE DEW works at Oettinger's. Next month watch for the way graduation used to be carried out. Stop In Today And See Them Boiley FURNITURE CO. " Bailey North Carolina 1^ Phone