Every thing will bo JUST DUCKY when you see the senior play, October l6. VOLWiE litr-NUMEER 1 BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA Class Totimamont FINALS OCTOBER 13 7:30 P. M. SEPTEMBER, 1953 RS, Enrollment Exceeds All Previous Records "The high school enroll- mcnt is the highest it has over been, but the ele mentary school is lli stu dents Ibwer than that of last year", was. the an nouncement made by Princi pal M, W, Weaver at this month’s PTA meeting. Enrolled in school are 586 students, 205 of whom are in high school. The remaining 38I are in grades one through eight, LiiST YEAR’S RECORD In comparison with the 190 registering in high school last year this means a gain of 15 stu dents and a loss of lit from the 395 enrolling in elementary school. According to Principal Weaver, there are two or three high school students that should come in, but the only prospects for ad ditional elementary school students will be those mov ing into the community. Ground Plans In Store As soon as the promised disking of the front yard is done. Principal M, W, Weaver reports that the front lavjn vjill bo beauti fied, Aftervrards, stnidents will be asked to play on the side and back of the building as a means of pi-otocting the lawn. SENIORS TO P^ESEnT:iUST'DUCKY' 3_ ACT COMEDY OCTOBER 16,8 RM. ”If it's an evening of genuine relaxation and wholesome fun you are seek ing, then come out to the senior play, JUST DUCKY, the evening of October 16," challenges Jerry Perry, president of the class and general manager of the production, Jerry further reveals that the play centers a- round the activities in a day of the life of the Max- .School Statistics Busses. 9 Enrollment, , . , , 586 Teachers. ..... 23 Lunches served daily 359 Bugle Staff, , . , i' 11 Music students, , , 37 Glee Club Members . 65 FHA Members , , , • 8I4 FFA Members , , . , 77 Library Books Elementary , , , 2833 High School , , . 1581 Sports Baseball , , . , Basketball , , . Seniors Name Mascots Bringing good luck tp the senior class this year are mascots Mickie Perry, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, V/illard Perry, and Jerry Finch, young son of the Harold Finches, wells, a typical modern family, "It's a whale of a play that will make everyone sore , from laughing", is Jerry's final verdict. At 8 o'clock sharp the curtains will rise, and Carroll Jones, portraying Mr, Maxwell, will come sleepily into the family living room. When he dis covers it’s 6:1*5 in the "wee hours of the morning," 'THINGS BEGIN TO H/'.PPEN aa other members of the cast enter, impersonated by Vivian Glover, Ann Earp, Louise Howell, Bruce Finch, XiTayno B, Finch, Doris John son, Jerry High, Rayford Perry, Jimmy Harris, My Lou Horton, and Patricia Dow. Staff To Attend NCSPI At Chapel Hill It's off fo the Scholas tic Press Institute at Chapel HLll next Saturday for the seven-member staff, reports editor Peggy liles. Throughout the day, hour ly panel discussions Td.ll consider "practical meth ods" of improving the high school newspapers in the fields of editorial writ ing, sports writing, fea ture writing, news writing, advertising,and makeup.