BAILEY BUGLE, BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA^ SEPTEMBER 1953 What Will A Bond MeonToThe School HVhether Bailey High will have a band is yet not defi~ nite. The chances new look rather discouraging. Have the students and parents weighed the benefits of a band to them and the school? It is true that the in struments are rather' expensive, but not too much so when the profits derived there from are considered. This oaper would like to list a few advantages gained by having a band, in hopes that it is not yet too late to accept the offered opportunity of organizing a band; 1. Stimulates community interest in the school. 2. Stimulates attendance at all school activities. 3. Gives publicity to the school. li* Increases pride in and Ipyalty to the school, 5* Develops appreciation for music. 6, Promotes group activity, cooperation, poise,and confidence of the individual, 7, Brings out talentthat might not be discovered, 8, Fills a gao that might otherwise go undirected, Psychalogists- sray that there are in every individual (certain innate desires that must be filled or else the result is frustrated individuals. Music is one af these, A school band can help to satisfy this desire. . 7"hdnks To Mrs, Edwards and her beys for satisfying the rxjpcorn line each day. To Sonja Manning for her haopy greeting to everyone goihg to the supply room early in the morning. To the librarians who help out during their study halls. To Vivian Glover and T^ne for a'sffiisting mth the mime osc ope work for this issue of the Bugle, To the girls who give up their time and study halls to help out in the lunch room. To the grades for helping keep the groimds clean. To Miss Oglesby and Ifrs, Howton for helping Leonard Glover with his studies while he is sick, • To the county board for tiling the new lunch room floor. To Ann Earp for assisting with the mimeograoh work for this issue of the B\igle, To everyone who sub scribes to the Bugle. To the advertisers for their interest in the Bugle, Page h EchoesOf The Past (Gleaned from past Bugles) Stella Jones Feb, 'ill Shame, Student Every high school student should have enough pride in himself to want to keep out of the detention hall. A person who has to be sent , to the detention hall is recognized as one vrfio can not behave himself in school. If the students' begin to show that they can conduct themselves mannerly and get to class on time, there is a possibility of closing the detention hall. We can do it! Oct. 19U0-U1 DID YOU KNOW That this paper is com posed and printed by your children? That in 19itO-Ul it cost $5 an issue? That wo have no funds fur nished by the state or county to pay the cost? Dcc. 19hl—DUMBNESS HAS ITS REliTARD—HEAL ALLl-A Lockcr If I could but talk, oh, what s'tories I could tell- supposed secrets and plan ned schemes—I know them all. More than that, I am a- ware of the characteris tics of almost every boy , and girl in high school^ and let me tell you if there’s any truth in the , olo saying "Neatness and patience pays" my advice is less gossiping and grmbling and more neat ness and patience. Even though I’m green (in color), I’m not ignorant. BAILEY BUGIE Published monthly 10^ per copy EDITC^: Peggy Lilesp CTAFP: Iferlene Ealbraon, jcrolyn Finch,Stella «Tones t'helby Eatmon, Betty Lou Brown, Christine Fowler [TYPISTS; Ann Medlin, Tanya plover, Any Lou Horton, Betty Lou Glover ADVISERS; Farmer-Lassiter -