BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER. 1553. Press Institute Not All Work By P. Liles Page 2 SiiwcllTytwidesVoriousTeoching Aids Classes and lectures con sumed three-fourths of the attention of st^idents attending the NCSPI, last Saturday, in Chapel Hillj while the tour of the cam pus and classrooms had full devotion of the other fourth. After classes in Bynum Hall students were well on their way to Gerrard Hall when the University cheer leaders caught their attention by the yells they were practicing for the afternoon football game. Following lunch in the Carolina Inn, the students decided to really see what the University was like. The first place they ven tured was to the Plane tarium to watch the plancits revolve around the sun. To complete their tour, they wandered down to get a viow of the library and the number of books within. In the library, special attention was devoted to tnc N, C. Room with its famous books and import ance in North Carolina history. With new ideas about writ ing articles and ways to improve the school paper, along with the satisfac tion of the University sights, all were ready to head for home. Numerous . teaching and learning aids, supplied by "the school, are available for class work, as re vealed by a report formu lated by the principal, A copy including each item ■of equipment has been put in the hands of all teachers. Many of these aids are for the whole school to use. Others . 'are only for particular subjects, FOR ENTIRE SCHOOL Those that the entire school benefits from are the scietice kit, film pro jectors, filmstrip pro jectors, microscope, gloTbes, paper cutters, record player with approxi mately 100 records, radio, public address system, scales, maps, first aid supplies. Stereoscope, instructional materials— as pens, paper, pencils- -and books—text, library, and supplementary. For particular subjects and classes there are the projection microscope, ditto machine, 26 type writers, two mimeograph machines and two miirieo- scopes for commercial and journalism use, printiuf' outfit, three adding ma chines, Cram’s Bookkeeping charts, two tape recorders. The teachers and students affirm that this type of equipment is a means of "speeding" the learning process. H, S. .GAINS DICTIONARIES Nineteen Thorndike-Barn- hart dictionaries were add ed to the school last week as a result of the in creased school enrollment, "The State is using these as they are considered the best right now," reports M, ¥, Weaver, Banner winners Mrs. Rudolph Glover’s sccond grade and Mrs; L,T, Lassiter's room in high school received the attend ance banners at PTA, For A Good GLuolity Of Coal At The LOWEST PUCE, Visit W.H. FARMER AND BROS IRC. Bailey. North Carolina Phone aoi-1