BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH C/lKOLINA, OCTOBER, 1953 PrincipolRBporting m. w. weaver Did you know that you can be your own worst foe, most serious problem,great est liability, most severe critic, and greatest stumbling block? Did you also know that you can be your own best friend, most helpful counselor, best booster, and greatest ass^t? Each of us has to decide which of these qualities will triumph. They are in constant conflict while we decide between what we want to do and what we should do. Self-mastery is of tremendous importance. One must learn to control thoughts, decisions, choices, actions. The richest rewards in life go to those who master themselves. SELF-CONTROL You can make a worth while contribution to your personal development by encouraging every noble aspiration, repressing every undesirable thought, withholding every bitter word, resisting every temptation. Victory over self is not easy but is so very important. It takes determination to conquer self, to uncover and root out undesirable thoughts and to substitute right habits of conduct. It is difficult but can be done. Dwight L. Moody said,"I have more trouble with my self than any other man I have ever met," Was he speaking for many of us? Bear in mind that a per son must realize that he alone is responsible for his own words, his own con duct, his own action, his own life—he is the de signer, the architect, the builder of his own destiny. Each of us selects the blueprint for his life. Each decides whether his actions build a prison or a palace, Shakespeare says, "This above all 5 to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." All of us need a definite stern course of self-disci pline j a constant re- strengthening of character3 a high level of spiritual desires; a tight reign on our emotions and a firm rasolve to rule out all but wholesome thoughts from our minds. Wo must develop a strong mental attitude that will pre pare us to cope with all life's situations. A person cannot run from himself. Where he goes, his problems go. "Know thyself," "To thine own self be true." Put first things first. AUDITORIUM TO GET CURTAINS $1118 was raised to put curtains at auditorium Page 3 IN APPRECIATION , In behalf of herself and family, Mrs. Kermit Lewis wishes to thank the fac ulty, studentf,members of the community—all friends for the many kind words expressed and thoughtful acts performed during the illness and death of her husband. USED BY MORE GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS THAN ANY OTHER RANGE BeautyMaster Tour Heilig & Mpyers Store Guarantees You More For Your Money Heilig 6 Meyers "For Wise Buyers windows, Wilson, North Carolina Bailey FOR THE LATEST IN AN /td//an Boy Bob Let Modern BeoutyShop Do It North Carolina