BAILEY BUGLE> BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. OCtOBER. 1953 Page I4 PorentS Let Ctiild Down- Can parents censure their child for not doing the best work possible when they reveal no particular in terest in their child's school record? Only 36 visits by parents were made to the teachers to discuss the students' work at the end of the six- week grading period. Most Bugle readers, it is be lieved, will contend that this is poor indication of interest. If a parent would have his child's work improve, let him drop around school more often, Johnnie will become more alert. Just try it and see. Thot Picture Wotch It ! What vain creatures mortals be I Pictures made in Sept ember of all the students were returned this month, A peep in the boys' pockets and the girls' billfolds will reveal how, by means of "exchanges," everyone thinks everyone else vxants his picture, "Pictures live forever." Yes, much to many a person's regret. They can become like the "fool's name—always seen in public places," to one's dismay, Stoff OoffsToppers To H. E. Dept. Paraphasing slightly, the staff asserts that "Nothing succeeds like cooperation," At best it is a four-week struggle to do all the work necessary to publish tho Bugle monthly. What a help it is when any department gathers its news, organizes the facts, and turns in the notes in one lump sum to the staff. That is just what Miss Wilson and her home economics department has been doing. It' s cooperation and considerati'>n of this type that editors and reporters most appreciate. All staff top pers are doffed in thanks. BAILEY BUGLE Published monthly 10^ per copy EDITOR: PEGGY LILES STAFF: Marlene Eatmon, Carolyn Finch,Stella Jones Sh^ Eatmon, Betty Lou pTovn, Christine Fowler iTVt'IST: Ann Medlin, Tanya Glover, Amy Lou Horton, Betty Lou Glover I IaDVISERS ; Fanner-Lassiter 'THEY'LL DO IT EVERY TIME' MR, WEAVER Continually straightening his tie or coat while talking, MISS OBLESBY Grabbing her shorthand pad to give conduct points. MRS, FARMER Putting on, pulling off herglasses, MISS FARMER Cleaning desk with kleenex. MRS, LASSITER— Having her daily cup of coffee. MR, WELLS Leaning back in chair while talking. EchoesOfThePdst (Gleaned from past Bugles) By Stella Jones January 10, 19U6— Com plexities "If a girl speaks to eve ryone, she's forwardj If she doesn't, she's bashful. If she talks to boys, she's a flirtj If she doesn't^she's high hat. If she's smart in school, she's a highbrow; If she isn't, she's dumb. If she talks about others, she's catty; If she doesn't, she's a prude. If she's popular, she's talked gboutj If she isn't, she's ignor ed, If she goes steady, she has toj If she doesn't she can't, if she goes out with many boys, .she’s a pickupj If she doesn^t"' shels ^ wallflower. thankT To Betty Lou Brown and Marlene Eatmon for their mimescope work on the Senior Play Program, To the practice teachers for their assistance while Mr, Westall was away. To Mrs, Lassiter for get ting typing class folders for typing paper. To the school bus drivers who bring the children to school safely, To the people who bought tickets to the senior play. To everyone that bought a magazine. To Mrs, Williams for work ing in the lunchroom when Mrs, Lewis had to be away.