BAlLgY ByGLE.^, BAILEY As the Green Hornets pro ceed onto the basketball cov.i-t to begin a game, that I'amiliar bark of a groat sports fan is again heard this year throughout the gym. A quick glance tovxard the drink stand, on the top roH of seats,will tell one whore the bark came from, because sitting there, looking as pleasant as ever, is jolly Melvin Horner, better known to his fans and friends as "Biby Doll." The name "Baby Doll" was Civen to Mr. Horner be cause of his smiling, round, jolly, doll-like face. This special seat has bejn marked off for Baby I'oll, since he is a re- g'ui-ir game attenaant, Lraring a game, this fami liar hollo acts as a stimu lant to the team, particU' larly so when the score is low. It's an indica~ tlon that at leri^t one fan is giving his loyal sup port to hulp tho team pull through. Boys Top Girls In the three practice games to' date, with Black Creek and Saratoga, the boys have won out each time j while the girls have one win. :TH CAROLINA. NOVEMBER, 19^3 Kn(iw Tcu? Team--- Suits have been given out. An identifying sketrh of 6a6h one receiving a suit follows: GIftLS STELLA JONES—F Senior No. 10—1st.year PEGGY lILES—G. Senior No. 6—1st. year JAiHCE EP'/i^fi.OG—G. Junior—No, ?—3rd* year SUE BU:^N—Gi Junior No. l?-3rd year BILLIE F. PERt^Y—F. Junior No. 12—3rd. year PAULa hornilr—f. Junior No. 3—2nd year JUDY L/u#!—F. Junior No. 3—2nd year CAROLYN FINCH—F. Junior No. U—2nd year JOAN BRAiVWON—F. Sophomore—No. 3-2nd year ' CATHERINE McKEEL—G. Sophomore—No. 15-2nd year NELJA HIGH—G. Sophonore—No. 9-2nd year GLORIA DE:-J—G. Sophomore—No. 19—2nd year LUCILLE McKEEL—G. Sophomore—No. 11—1st year REBECCA LAi#i—G Sopacmore—No.18—1st year Ki.THL.Ri::;-E IffllTLEI—G. Sophomore—No.13—1st year Ai^NETTE DAVIS—F. Freshmen No.l6-lst year CAROLYi\T ADAlHS—F., Freshman No.20—1st year I.Ai'M—G, Freshman No.lU—1st year BOYS CORNELIUS BOYKIN—F. Senior No. l6—3rd year JAMES P. STOTT—F. Senior No. 9—Uth year CaRROLL JONES—C. Senior No. 18—3rd year RAYFORD PERRY—G. Senior No. 17—2nd year JLW HARRIS—G. Senior No. 3—3rd year JERRY HIGH—C. Page 8 P. LILES Senior No. 8—2nd year NETi'ON GLOVER—G. Junior No. 11—3rd year JOHN R. Liilvl—G. Junior No. IS—1st year Lms bissette—c. Junior No. U—2nd year HEX VICK—G. Sophomore—No. 6—2nd. year BH.LY LILES—G. Sophomore—No. 7—2nd year MACK BURGESS—F. Sophomore-No. lU—2nd year CHARLES RnODES—G. Sophomore-No. 10—1st year L. B. ADAjMS—F. Sophomore—No. 5—1st year HENRY BRAi'.TLEY—F. Sophomore-No. 13—2nd year Bailey mercTiajrvEs are contributing money toward new basketball suits for the girls. ■ Start Shopphg Now For Your CHRISTMAS TOYS At E Wilson N. C.