BAILEY BUGLE, BAim^ NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER, 1953 Page 13 /\ Service For You From Your Fdrm Bureau Agent loheip you secure outomobile liobility insuronce quickly...without traffic and parking problems... I HAVE ARRANGED TO BE AT THE LOCATIONS LISTED BELO\J ON THE DATES SHOIVN. REMEMBER, . . UNDER NORTH CAROLINA'S NEW SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY . LAW, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO DRIVE WITHOUT THE PROPER INSURANCE. Farm Bureau offers these importdnt features. . . . Savings up to 2^% . . . On-the-spot policy issuance . . . Nationwide, 2U hour claim service . . . Second largest mutual insurer of autos in America Check TheseTimes AndPhces: PARSONS MOTOR COMPANY. Bailey, N. C, . (Daily) STALLINGS' ESSO STATION, Middlesex, N. C. (Each V/ednesday night from 7 to 9) HARRIS' STORE, Mount Pleasant, N, C, (Each Thursday night from 7 to 9) E, A. H 0 W T 0 N, Agent , Form Bureou Mutuol Automobile Insurance Compony HOffl OFFICEXOLUMBUS, OHIO