BAIIJY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. APRIL. , Page, 16.. Hdve You ? CHRISTINE. FOV/LER HEARD—Miss Edith Farmer got the mad itch when she took a tetanus shot? The seniors THINK they know when and where the Junior-Senior Banquet is? BRUCE FINCH made up his mind to go swimming before March was over? Patty Sue Thompson AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH? say Marlene Eatmon, Shelby J, Eatmon^ Barbara Glover, Wanda High, Linda Perry, and Betty Lou Brown sing "I Get So Lonely?" (You surely are missing some thing if you haven’t,) SEEN—Annie Ruth Brown’s bright orange socks? V Any seniors wearing paper diamonds? (Namely Ann Earp and Vivian Glover) Sidney Uilliams’ new hair do? (Really is becoming) NOTICED—The new colors? spring How neat Joan Brannon al ways comes to school? The cute way Judy Lamm is fixing her hair? The new hair styles of the freshmen boys? (The crew cut,) MET—Glenda Cooper? ^he is now a member of the junior class, MISSED—Several pair of socks around school? (iBlame it is the spring weather.) WONDERED—I'Jhy the juniors are walking around mumble- ing to themselves? (The explanation is they're memorizing poetry in Eng lish,) t NEEDED—A good bookkeeper? (See Mrs, Lassiter) PVT. OVJEN H. STRICKLAND u, S. ^3206^30 Hq. Co, 3rd Bn, ISS Inf, Regt, 31st Inf. Div, Camp Carson. Colorada To Make Th(3t E65ter Outfit Complete, GgI IhG Riaht Shoe Visit Lamm's Department Store Hi 0 KiaBii STOTT'S CAFE mJT.VY,