BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. NOVEMBER, 195k Principal Reporting---- ' - M, W, Weaver In a few days, we will be observing Thanksgiving Day again. This is really an American holiday, started many years ago to set a- side a special day for giv ing thanks for the bless ings which each of us re ceives, The official day is now by act of Congress the fourth Thursday in No vember, The time of the celebration is not the im portant thing; it is the thought behind the act« Are you thankful this year? I’m sure that you are. Thankful for what? The list of things for which we can give thanks is long. Let us consider some of them, HOME First, there can be the area of the home. We can be thankful for our par ents, our brothers and sis ters ^ and for our other relatives. To our parents we owe much. They give us the material things needed for life and in addition those social and spiritual requirements are satisfied which lead to happy, suc cessful living. They give us love, respect, and se curity, They help us to find our way in the spirit ual world by leadership and by setting an example for us, CITIZENSHIP We are fortunate in being citizens of a great county and a great state. Our na tion allows us freedom of thought, speech, and ac tion. It also protects us from the greed and the "isma" of other countries. Our state gives us protec tion from internal ene- mies. It gives us cur school system which ena bles us to prepare to bet ter ourselves. In this con nection let us be thankful for our schools. Come each day with a purpose. That purpose should be to get the greatest good from tjie opportunities presented to us each day. We are thankful, also, for the Church and other institutions of our com munity, Ihey play impor tant roles in our lives. For all iiie good gifts that come to us, we are thankful to a gracious and loving God, GRADEMOTHERS GRADE 1 and 2 Mrs. Willis Farmer Mrs. Willicim Perry Mrs, Albert Francis GRADE 1 Mrs* Henry Lamm Mrs. John M, Manning Jr. Mrs, James Thompson Mrs. J, R, Thompson Mrs. Lewis Watson Lage^_ For fresh Merits Groceries & Feeds Where prices are right and you get a square deal every time, TRADE WITH I.D. TEMPLE'5 Phone 2191 Bailey. N, C> A KIND and SYMPATHETIC SERVICE ! /e that heav^ Is Jet), 3r>d ^ ive h'eso. Joyner FunerdI Home Wilson. N. C.