BAILEY BUQLE. BAILEY. NORTH Cj^ROLINA. SEPTEMBER. 19^6 PAGE'13 Aldskdn Bride Finds American's Friendly- ^Keith V.Glover EL.MNE MANNING is a pert Wiscnasin-born senior who with her jet black hair, soft brown eyes, lovely shaped mouth and a warm and friendly personality, it is’ no wonder that RUDOLPH MMNING, »52 grad uate, claimed her for his bride in February of ’55, when he was stationed in Anchorage, Alaska, where she was making her home. Elaine has had to make many adjustments since her departure from Alaska. In the school she attended, students were divided into social groups according to finacial status. ’’Here everyone shares in the act ivities and the students are more friendly," she points out. Continuing, she says, "Students in Alaska wear anything they , like to school except shorts. The most popular attire, for boys and girls alike, is levis and shirts. Both wear their hair in ’duck- tails'• "The teacher-student re lationship is much better here than in Alaska, where teachers do not show much interest in you, but in Bailey the teachers assist you all they can." INTEREST Sewing and embroidering are Elaine’s hobbies, Loretta Mae, her 10 month- old . daught er,c onsumes much of her time. "I love to swim rnd dance," she says with enthusiasm, "Rock ajid roll? I'm real gone ovsrj but I like pop- ular music better." An accomplished baton twirlcr, Elaine was a ma jorette in the school band, "I get homesick for my parents at night when it is time for bed," she ad mits with a faint gleam in her eyes, Contrasting the two coun tries, she says, "The best points of Alaska are that there are no snakes and in sect pests and you can wear the same type of clothing all year. The nicest things here arc the friendly people and the many things to do." In talking Elaine you know immediately that she is interested in people. Bailey Dry Cleaners CLEANING PRESSING ALTERING Suits Tailored To. .Measure Bailey. North Carolina