bailey bugle. BAILEy. north CAROLINA. OCTOBER. 19^6 HobbieSjH(i)bies , foreign coun- By Beth Harris ' JEAGE 8 WEBSTER STATES j **A hobby is a subject or pursuit in which one takes absorbing interest," Do you agree with Webster? Evidently many of the students of Bailey School do^ as their interest reveals. E '.m There are thoso that could be classified as ed ucational hobbies. Jasper Horton uses his leisure time working crossword puz zles, Alice Issette has collected stamps from many foreign countries, Celia May has post cards from all forty-eight states and Janet Weaver, Louise Wells, and Kaye Wiggs get profound pleasure from playing the piano, Richard Privette loves musical in struments and has made playing them his hobby. Many students like dancing, Audrey Finch, Katy Horton, Diane Tapp, Sara Peele, and Andrea Bissette love the new "Rock and Roll" hits they hear on the radio. Lane Farmer has a most unusual hobby. She spent marQr enjoyable hours learn ing the art of hypnotism and says, "It really works!,' Jo Ellen Finch and Sonja Manning find that corres pondence with the Japanese is a very informative hobby, Jimrry Dew, Beth Harris, Christie Finch, Hodges Privette, G wen Burgess., and Keith Glover all agree that "Nothing beats basket ball," Having talent in the art field, Jimmy Wells, Jr. would like to make his hobby his profession by becoming a commercial art ist. For The Best TURKEY. Craven Gay has a very un usual hobby for a boy. He spends his leisure time cooking cakes and cookies- and he shares them with his teachers, we hear I You E ver te P 10 c e Your Order With Us NOW Fo r A Home Grown Bird JOHNSON’S Super Market PHOI'IE 2h01 BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA