3AIT.EY RTJnr.F,, BAILEY, M3RTH CARQLIM, M)VEMBER-.19‘^6 PA(E..l6- If An Hour Were Added ToTheDay—WhdS County Clubs Stage Banquet Here Bailey High School’s cafe teria was the scene of the Nash,. County annual Home Demonstration Achievement Barquet earlier this month* Mrs. John F. Griffin, Jr«, from the Dorches community was presiding officer. Fol- lovTing the invocation, Mrs, W» Cc Bissotto, 1st vice president extended the wet- come and recognized out standing gufcsts. Present ing the program were Mrs. J« Ellen, county music chairmanj Mrs. Rudolph Smith, county recreation chairmanj and 0, B, Cope land, fuom the division of agricultural information. RECOGNITION Mrs. Ann M, Inscoe, Home Agent, acknowledged out standing club members. Those receiving special- projoct recognition were named by Mrs. E. J, Drake, president of the Castalia Club. In charge of the installa tion service was Mrs. C. F. Mclntyro, Home Demonstsa- tion Club Woman of the Year, Each member of the 30 Studying? Reading? Sleep ing? Talking? If there were tvrenty-five hours in each day how would you spend that extra hour? Quotes sophmore Fannie Ruth Hbwell, "Sleep." Sho then states, "It would probably be automatically filled, though, just as the rest of my hours are." Coming from Marjorie Hin ton, a freshman, was the reply, "Studying." Wisely stated Shirley Williams, "I'd vjork on an interesting hobby." As for me, i'd need to use it to study everything concrning english. Namely punctuating, captializa- tion, and spelling. You have probably suspected that it affects my jour- nalismc But can you pos- siblly imagene me using a hole hour studying when there is so many more ac- clubs vjas served: TOMATO JUICE TURKEY DRESSING CRANBEERY SAUCE TURNIP GREENS CANDIED YMS FIELD PEAS CELERY CARROTS iJlBROSi;!. AND COOKIES ‘Eivities going on? The teachers vrould use this extra hour assipn- ing us more lessons; con sequently X'je wouldn’t be any bettor off. It would be fun to try for awhile though. Alice Ruth Issotte FOR YOUR Shopping USf OUR EASY LAY AWAY PLAN WATCH WESTIN GHOUSE WHERE BIG THINGSARE HAPPENING FOR YOU SEE ALL TYPES OF APPLIANCES At H. Fdrmer&Bro. Inc. Bailey. North Carolina (O Phone 201-1