RATT.F.Y RTIfiT.F.. RAILEY. NORTH CAROLINA. NDVEMBER, 1956 PA(E„ 1 Lost AndFouniOept. Peoce Study InterestsNumber Of Students BT JE\€L VffllTLEY Stray items around school j\ist seem to find a xmy of accumulating on Principal M. W. Weaver’s desk and on shfelves in the office. So great is becoming the accu mulation over the years that he is Td.lling for the students to have them gra tuitously or else he might conduct a rummage sale. (DLLECTED ARTICLES The list includes 1 pen cil—14 ball point, pens—2 lead pencils---^ fountain pens* S combs—pair of black gloves—one brown glove. A girl’s 17 jewel watch vri-th a yellow band and a bo3'’’s New Haven watch with a brotm band. Handkerchief—red sweater —rainbow colored cap- red and a white belt—— brown billfold—black and a red coin purse. Ruler—paper clip—hair pin—vAiite beads—finger nail clipper—locket—toy police badge—magnifying glas s -r a bbit' s f 001. CONTINUED POLICr Even though the list grows, the principal still insists that you bring lost articles to the of fice. Kay Wiggs found this helpful when Fred Lamm found her x-jatch and took it to the office. Shelby Williams, school secretary, said that a first grader, vSio brings in everything she .finds, discovered a cigarette stub one day and brought it to her. If everyone was that faithful, the office might soon be full of lost items# Striving to promote world peace is the motive for students' entering this year’s Peace Contest the contestants declare. Those participating i n this major study are ail high school students, vAio believe that "xTOrld peace begins mth youth". The main topic for each speech is "The United Nations—Its Problems and Oppo rtunitie s". Winner of the speaking contest, scheduled to last from six to tt?elve minutes per spoGCh, is to receive a gold keya This award alviays goes to the person presenting, in the eyes of the judges, the best com posed and delivered speech, reports the speech sponsor. Miss Idalia Oglesby. Entering from the fresh man class are Janet Weaver and Marjorie Hinton. Kay Wiggs, Fannie Ruth Howell, and Alice Ruth Issette are to speak from the sopho - more class. Three seniorc— Louise Wells, Lane Farmer, and Keith Glover—are also entering. Let Us Fill Your Oil Drum Today Corbett '57 Filter-Flo ' Washer W. B. Pri vette &Co. B&TT.F.Y. NORTH CAROLINA Oil Co. For Quick S e r V i c e, Cal I 2286 BAILEY mRTH CAROLINA^