BUGLS, BAILEY. NORTH CARQLIM. DECMBEH, 19-^6 Sophs PresGnt tend; FrGshmen Stage Play "Teen-age Roundup," aa K/.YE ¥IGGS, J. W. BISSETTE, teen-age program in the sophomores j JAI'IET VJE/IVER, form of a panel discussion, TOI'JY MORG/.N, freshmen; and .PAGE 16 HONOR ROIL was featured by W. H, West- all *s sophomores in chapel this month, TILLIE TAYLOR was in charge of the devotion, after x-rhich the group sang "i'or The Beauty of The S?.rth" and "The Doxology". Gl'VEN BURGEiSS served as naster of ceremonies and JASPER HORTON as comi.jer- icial announcer. Acting as emcees were BETII H/iRRIS and CELIA MAI, who introduced the records and asked the panle mem bers . opinions on them. The panel was composed of BOBBIE B/lTTS, RICI-LIRD PRI- VETTE, seniors; SLIU. PErLE, :-DRIAN MITGHEIJ.., .juniors I'-fiss Idalia Oglesby and IJ. G, Edwards, teachcrs, PU.Y Mrs. Dean 1%ickcr^s fresh men dramatized a play and sang songs for their chap el prograiii. BARBARA FULGHUII was the devotional leader. The class ended its devotion by • singing "The Old North State" and "Carolina Moon," COMIE L'll'il displayed her talent by playing, a piano solo, "V7alk Hand In Hand". "Quario Medicine", a play written by the Carolina Playmakcrs, was then pre sented. Characterizing the different parts were ,'JQA^I STONE, as Ikttiej DONNIE Hi\RRIS, old man Jcrnigan; WOODY PEPJIY, Doetory Im manuel; TONY MORGi'.N, Henry Jernigan, and PEGGY E."i.HION, ■narratn-p. Your Friendly FORDDealor Wishes Each Of You A Very Merry Christmds AND A Hdppy New Year A Keith Glover Sr. Mary Ella Glover Sr, Louise Wells Sr. June Vick J. ^ Sue Weaver J. Jewel Whitley J. Almeta Brown J, Shirley VJilliams J. Hodges Privette S.C^J Jasper Horton S. Janet Weaver F, r4-' I'lary Edna Vick F. Linda Manrdng F. Barbara Carroll F. Connie Lrjran F, Joan Stone F, Sandra Stott F. ;cept For Absences Elaine Bunn S, Fannie R. Howell S. lancy Jovner *v Parsons Motor Company Bailey^