BAILEY BUGLE. BAILEY. .NORTH CAROLINA. JANUARY. 19^1 Students Plan For New York Trip Where to get the money for the New York trip has been for some time upper most in the minds of these journalism students plan ning to attend the CSPA Convention. I Several students are de pending on their parents for their money. Two girls received their money as a Christmas present. Picking cotton was one student's means of obtain ing the necessary amountj a farm crop, another pu pil's, One bry, working at the Carolina Theater, will be using his salary to de fray his expenses, while another has saved some of the money received from barning tobacco. The trip is estimated to cost about $70-$?5 per stu dent. This amount will cover all necessary ex penses. Since the class shares equally in any sur plus BUGLE funds, the to tal figure for each person is expected to be reduced somewhat, F T A TO INVITE N.C. LEADER Plans were discussed at the January meeting «f the Future Teachers Club to ask Miss Helen Wells, state Future Teacher lead er, to visit the Bailey Chapter in the near future. The Middlesex Chapter is invited also to meet with the Bailey Club for a Joint meeting to pvumote inoi'eaf^ed intei*esl-.5 and better relations. PAGE Z Fiction Leods In Reoder interest 'fiction and biography ap pear to’ be first choice of BHS students when select ing books from the high school library of approxi mately 2,000 books,^’as serts Miss Idalia Oglesby, librarian* In a given week at BHS^ only 35 books may be check ed out during the entire week, while in anhther week that number may be checked out in one day. "The reason for this," states Miss Oglesby, "is that on weeks when book reports are due more books are checked out than any other time," When a student 'checks a book cut, he is allowed two weeks fcr reading it. If he has not finished it :y the end of the two weeks, he has the oppor-- tunity to renew the book for another two weeks, A student failing to re turn his book or renew it on time is charged with a two-cent fine for everyday the book is over due. Miss Oglesby has- found that students fail to re turn their books on time because of ''careless mis placing of them or care lessness in not observing the date the book is due." The average amount of money received from the students monthly in this way is Start 1957 With A NewHoir Style From PHONE - 278-7 BAILEY, NORTH CAROLINA 1957 Chevrolet Task-F©rce Truck— Li ne LiADtRS SINCE '37 Farmer Motor Co. Bailey. North Carolina