BAILEY BUGLE. RATIJ.Y, .NORTH CAROLINA« MARCH.. 1957 Grades Listen To Orchestra PAGE 8 Grodes 4-8 To Engoge In Conservation Study Half-h*ur broadcasts of -nusic for children, pro duced by Dr. Benjamin Swalin, conductor of the iorth Carolina Symphony, are given each Wednesday at 1:30 P.M. on WPTF. Eailey grades are regular listeners to the programs, vJhat Mrs, Helen Murray does in the classrooms to prepare children for these programs "may last them a lifetime." She is helping young people in their "impres sionable years to develop a love of fine music and to become familiar with the medium of producing it." SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA To start the preparation for the broadcast, the instruments of the orches tra were studied visually, aurally, and creatively. Our school is equipped with records, books, and visual aids that help Mrs. Murray and her students. Symphonies that have been listened to by the stu dents are Military Sympho ny and Toy'Symphony by Hay den, Sabre Dance by Khachaturian, Nutcracker Suite by Tochaikowsky, "On the Trail" from Grand Can yon Suite by Grafe, Flip;ht of the Bumble Bee by Run- sky and Korsakof, and Excerpts from Fifth Sympho ny by Beethoven. These programs will last until May 1. Forty students from Mount Pleasant and Bailey attend ed the opera THE BARBER OF SEVILLE by Rosinni, pre sented by the Grass Roots Opera at Spring Hope, "Students all over Nash Coxinty, in grades four through eight, are to again participate in the yearly soil conservation study begun last year," says Mrs. Harvey Evans, eighth grade teacher. "The purpose of the study, county official Garland Strickland states," is to introduce new and more effective ways to aid in the struggle to save soil, and to lead parents, through their children, to follow these methods." This study includes two contests. The first is a 15.00 award given to any room that has at least 20 students taking part. The second contest is bas ed on the best drawing made by a student from each room that is judged as "best". The prize for this contest is $1.00. To enter the contests, the students must draw a picture showing the con trast between an eroded and worn area of land and one in which the soil has been built up by having had the proper tilling methods used and well-dis tributed shrubs and trees planted; or the student may picture either a good area or one showing a lack of attention. Complete Your Spring Outfit WITH A New Hair Style FROM PhonV - 2787 Bailey, N. C. FIRM 5TR.AIG-HT STURDY Health - Bond / / Mattress // Designed expressly for h* //. / / / / y > and guaranteed t>y‘ . ■ - r// H0LIG-MEYERS \ , / fy it / Wilson, North Carolina 1