B/^iLac... ausij,,mim.. HQPm CAROLINA. AmiL. 1961 PAGE 8 B H S CflEERmDSRS NAMED The roof-raising Bailey High School cheerleaders Xirere led by 'ANN BROCK who served as chief cheer leader. PIIYLLIS imiNG hslpod to lead the cheer leaders by acting as-as- sistant chief. ilARY' ’ LIB GIjGVER, ABBE Offi:OlD, LOIS Ai^N BAII-EY, BRENDA . LAlM, HELErJ FRAirciS, and CAROLYN .iIGH made up the I'emainder of the bouncing BHS squad. New Cheerleaders are elected each year by a coimnittee consisting of high school faculty mem bers, ball players, and outstanding students. The cheerleaders are elected on the basis of attrac tiveness, neatness, per sonality, arid coordina tion . These girls sport bright uniforms of rireen and gold—green sweaters v,-ith green and gold pleated skirts. Their unifoms are accented by green and gold tassels made of crepe pa per which are used in many of the BHS cheers. N. C. A. - I-ffii'-IEERS • The BHS cheef'leaders are members of' the National Cheerleader Association . Through this organization they receive a newsletter, "THE MEGAPHONE,'' t-rliich includes cheers used in all parts of the United States. Very helpful and interesting facts conccrn- in^; the duties of a good cheerleader are also in- clubod in ’’Thu Mc;;,aphone.” Kiss Ruth Turnage is their sponsor. The cheer leaders say she is their BIG BOSS. r'lISS 'TURNAGE guides h(.T cheerleaders throughout the ball sea son, giving them helpful suggestions and friendly “THANKS GRADEMOTHERS // The seniors mil never be able to express in words the closeness that.each of us feel to our dear grado- mothers. Each gradcmother had made our four years of high school seem a little more enjoyable. They have entertained us at manjr dinners and part ies during our high school days. Not only do we vj-ant to thank them for the en tertainment, but also for being so kind and willing to help in any situation that we faced. We shall always remember I'ffiS. CARL MITCHELL, I-IRS. ELTON MAOTIDIG, MRS. EDWARD COZu-lRT,' ?Jid MRS. EVERETT LAI'IM as the best grado- mother s that any class couid possibly have, FRESI-DffiN FROLICS V/e will never forget the time that they gave us our first wiener roast. VJe went by activity bus to the park in VMlson for the occasion. ¥e xrere ' accom panied by the grademothers, MS. LASSITER, M. and iffiS. KIDCEON, and SUSAN and I-:.\RTHA JO BROCK. I'll al ways remember how we look ed ‘as .we climbed the mon key bars and persuaded the boys to push us in the swings. After a delicious meal, v:o boarded the bus, rode up town, and. attended a movie. SOPHOMORE ;SOCIALS VJhen VO finally bec.ame sophomores, our gradc- mothers decided that we were a little too old for such things as \ri-ener roasts and picnics so they entertained us at a SAINT criticism. The cheerleaders enjoy a night out for dinner each time .one- has a birthday. PATRICK'S DAY PARTY and DAIICE. This party was held in the school cai*eteria. It was quite .-mazing to sec how four women coul.d transform our .lunchroom into a ballroom. They must have had a little help ■from. Saint Patrick hitii- self. There was so much food that I think a fei\ students felt themselves turning a little green as the party gradually' ended. On February 13, '60 which was during our junior year our same grademothers en tertained us at a barbecue dinner in the dining room of the Spring Hope Grill. Hardly anyone was able to finish the pecan pie that the grademothers so kind ly prepared for our 'des sert, This uas a memorable occasion for all of us. SENIOR SPECIAL The highlight of our sen ior year was when we were entertained at a -dinner party in the home of Mrs. Ed Coaart on December l5'. Much work had to be ddne for such a festive occa sion. Sjjice it was during the Christmas Season, the Cozart home v;as decorated throughout in the tradit ional red and green. There was much Christmas spirit as we were seated four to a table for a ■ woridei'full meal by soft music and candle light. After we had eaten, wo gathered in the basement for dancing and games. As we prepare to leave high school and go our separate ways, we will al ways remember the happy timus that only our grade mothers could have made possible. Vickie Meacomes