'WE CAN'T SAY ADIEU— D THE NEWSPAPER OF THE STUDENT ASSOCIATION WITHOUT A SIGH' VOLUME XI, NUMBER 8 GOLDSBORO, N. C., JUNE 9, 1938 50 CENTS A YEAR Reminiscences Mark Class Day Program Enacted By Seniors Whitaker, Crone and Ham Compose Committee To Write, Cast And Direct Program The Thoughts of. a Graduate With originality inarking* the program the seniors presented their (‘lass day exercises yesterday. The history written by George Ilam was given in a playlet form, the scene taking place in 1990 in the home of Grandpa, who was a graduate of the ’38 class. His grandson was graduating that night, and he was alone when old class mates Avalked in. The history was worked in a conversation of old times. Seniors Compose Cast Senioi's taking parts were Grand pa, Jack Wharton; his son. Hardy Lee Thompson; son’s wife, Helen Moye; grandson, Eoss Ward; his kid sister, Doris Startt; visitor, George Ham; and the visitor’s wife, Nancy Pipkin. 'J'he class prophecy was presented in the form of a radio broadcast of a ’38 class reunion with Kidley Whitaker, class prophet, acting as the announcer. The following took part: Frances Coward, James Kannan, Jack Whar ton, Thomas Snypes and Rudolph Pate. Johnson and Armstrong Portrayed Impersonalities of Mr. Johnson ’ Mr. Armstrong featured p-^o- of Will • ment, written by James Croi> ■; you James Heywaird asa Thompson portrayed the_ roles. The scene took place in the year 1970. Finding an old paper that turned out to be the Last Will and Testament of Shipment 38, they re- (Please turn to page eight) Last night I wallied out here in the light of the moon. The huildlng suddenly loomed large out of the moonhght. (rllS—/?/.s7 an ovdinari/ building, yet it doesn’t seem so, for it’s a part of me. Tlte irindows, empty and blank in the silence of the muffled dark, all at once reflected images of the hours spent in the heart of the school. Happy honrs'f and still the ones of hardest work, deepest worries, and healed arguments are just as cleojT as those of pleasure and laughter, 'rite thoughts of crammin(j, lough assignments, and the din of protesting voices are living as the dark hut definite colors in the background of memories. Dark and often dis cordant colors yet they offer the contrast for the bright and careless ones in the foreground. Socials, sports, gaiety, and joy scatter brilliant splashes in an abandoned way throughout the hazy dream, radiating sparkling bits of merriment. And then the gleaming colors blend into the calmer, modest shades of well-done work, hard-earned praise, and rjAvards given into thankful hands. Near the front of all thoughts shines the cool grey of seniors marching as the strains of “Largo” reach my listening ear. All dreams arid memories are held together by strong bond's of friendship, each one offering its small part to keep the tfioughts of future true, and as the music fades, each color mixes with^ the others until hardly discernible. lljach dab of color holds so 'much the key to a wealth of memories Bobuie Axne Sanuokn. Democracy To Be Graduation Theme As 145 Sen iors Receive Diplomas Tonight At 8 O’clock in Auditorium FourTeachers Mamed ToAttend'WorkShop' Six Stof f Members Chosen For Society Four seniors and two juniojs have been recommended for (},uill and Scroll, International Honorary Society for High School .lournal- ists, because of their superior work on the Hr News. 'riiose recommended are Jlelen Moye, editor-in-chief; Harry Hol lingsworth, managing editor ; Ross Ward, sports editor; Edward Luke, business manager; and the juniois, Grace Hollingsworth and Lvelyn Dillon, co-advertising managers. “Harry and Helen were recom mended because of their willingness to work hard and as long as neces sary to meet the deadline. Under their leadership the standard of the Hi News has been maintained, the NSPA again giving a rating of ex cellent,” said Miss Ida Gordner, staff adviser. . ‘‘Ross was selected because of Ins excellent work in the sports depart ment. The accuracy, quality of writing and makeup of the sport pages were of such calibre that the NSPA rated' it higher than any other page iii the paper. “Edward was nominated because of his excellent work as business manager. He was advertising manager last year. “The juniors, Evelyn and Grace, were named because of their supei- ior work as ad solicitors last year and as co-advertising managers this year. It was largely due to their work that the Seniors were able to have a ten-page paper,” said Miss Gordner. Mr. Burt Johnson has selected Misses Ida Gordner, Miriam Koch, Lena Taylor and Mi-s. W. J. White to attend the “Work Shop,” which will be sponsored by the Southern Association of Colleges and Second ary Schools, at Vanderbilt Uni versity in Nashville, Tennessee, from July ]8 to August 26. The object of the teachers attend ing the “Work Shop” is to gain knowledge so that aid may be given in carrying out projects that liave been started, correct def'-^ts, make r proj^vv-. ^ The teachers will represent the de])artments as follows: Miss Gordner, English; Miss Koch, Home Economics and Vocation; Miss Taylor, Science; and Mrs. White, Guidance and Social Science. Four teachers are to be sent every summer for the next eight years. Thirty-three -schools will be rep resented at this “Work Shop,” three from 11 southern states. The three from North Carolina are Golds boro,^ Greenville and Asheville, which were chosen because of the ])rogram that is being carried on in them. ’’I'he teachers will work under the guidance of skilled specialists in their ])articular fields. Minister Discusses Progress In Sermon “Can the history of mankind show a definite trend of j)rogress ?” was the (piestion discussed by the Rev erend Mr. J. Q. Beckwith^ rector of the Episcopal Church in Wilson, in the baccalaureate sermon Sunday night, June 5. Reverend Beckwith pointed out that there are many different terms and definitions of progress that technology, educationally, scientific ally, cultural and morally we have ' but re.il Reveieiiv. 1 Gordon Sets Aims For SA Next Year Setting many objectives for the SA next year, Sidney Gordon, newly elected head of the Association, de livered his inaugural address to the students Friday morning. Otlier officers Avho took the oath of office administered by Mrs. White in the absence of Mr. Burt Johnson were Legh Scott, vice president; Virginia' Lee, corresponding secretary; Fran ces O’Steen, recording secretary; and Gabe Holmes, treasurer. Gist of Address Improvement of the homeroom organizations, beautification of the campus, joining the Southern Asso ciation of Student Government and general improvement of the Associa tion as a whole constituted the ob jectives for the year 1938-39 as set up by Sidney. The other officers made short ad dresses after they Avere introduced by the retiring officers, James Hey- Avard, president; James Crone, vice president; Kala Rosenthal, recording secretary; Scottie Dameron, corres ponding secretary; and Harry Hol lingsworth, treasurer. James Heyward, before the new officers took the oath of office, out- i ile Bobbie Anne Sanborn'Takes Lead In Commencement Program Different From Ones of Past Tonight 345 Seniors Avill receive d’plomas at 8 o’clock in the audi torium at a graduation ])rogram entirely different from any in the past. With “Democracy” as their theme, the Seniors will present a ])ageant symbolizing ideals and reality in demwracy of today with youth as the ho])e for future suc(*ess. Bobbie Anne Sanborn is taking the part of Democracy, who will speak throughout the ])rogram. Four Scenes The following four scenes will bo presented in tableau form ; (1) The Home—writt(‘ii by Ange- line (^is(‘y. (The home is the unit where youth receives his earli{‘st training for Democracy.) (2) Creative' Arts—writt(‘U by Bobbi(‘ Anne Sanborn. (I)(>mocracy gives youth the frc'edom iK'Ctvssary to (‘xpr^ss his thoughts and ideas.) (3) AVar—written by Bettie (Jray Best. (Youth attacks w>n’ b(u*-\v,so of its denu',-’' -'''^* nie crowuv J)^. progress we must iuvj . lined the accomplishme’als (>i ifij/.) Ihauk you la \v>-3tary. ^i?WV*i?Ariili^'Vlass for -Q. ^^s. I remember Jabie Miss Beasley Resigns T0 Work in Alabama that our efforts must \ with His. ^ ' Referring to the ”, '\^1 Hollis, taking the declared that if ; YC'W^\-tliere were Scottie in the qualities Schweikert, , c. ^iHiuces and fidelity, we AVtS?* Put God in the qualities ..v'J \ ^ sX ^ 4.*^iuces Coward, ^ Jwnes Crone, ^irrere, Helen Directing his Avords to . X^.'^n. nates Reverend BeckAvitli sa'^was chief “Whatever calling may be or avIi . wasn t eA’^er your i)rofession, put this th first—be a Godly person.” , marshals : FolloAving the processional .^t Peacock, congregation sang ‘MEoly, ,11 'imes Crone, Holy,” and Reverend A. J. Si Anni Q . 1 r pronounced the invocation. LT; ^ nir T m AT Pipkui. the direction of Mr. L. I. New,£ . high school choir sang “Lift ^J.eptitn ' Th Eyes,” and “Largo.” After th.'^ 'ei/ a u gregation had sung “Come iVlmighty King.” Rabbi Is '*iings for well Miss Antoinette Beasley has re signed from her work in GHS to acce})t a position in Montevallo, Alabama. She will teach next year at the Alabama State College for Women, in the Demonstration De partment, which is the high school in Montevallo. The high school in AAdu"’ A'ill teach has been selef*' l':niie same study that GHS ha ,the Southern Association of Colleges and Second ary Schools. This is the third time Miss Beas ley has resigned in her 12 years of Avork here. When she first came, she started the publication of the Hi News and advised the staff for tAvo years. Besides coaching the triangular debaters a number of years, she has been sponsor of the senior class for 10 years. Last year she Avas responsible for the organiza tion of the SA, and she has acted as adviser for the Council since its beginning. Freund tion. low. pronounced the ^^>e A mere occasion as put make ind cir- j 'memories. James ^"^-^big-eaters, Avho saw tu ii luuL all platters Avere empty and the waitresses not wanting for requests for seconds. In addition to flu' + i WINNER: Dick Holt was the lucky senior Avho received the Griien Avatch offered by the Roger’s JeAvelry store. The eight-day clock stopped on his name. Edith Best Avon the Avatch last year. , YOUNG ENTERTAINERS: A group of 32 fifth graders, under the direction of Miss Virginia Baines, presented a variety of songs during the assembly period, June 9. SENIORS ENTERTAINED: The Paramount Theater Avas host to the seniors Friday night, June 3, at the shoAving of “Bringing Uj) Baby,” with Cary Grant and Kather ine Hepburn. s I - • int I need to get that hat at Emerson’s. John: You certainly surprised me. Your memory’s not so bad after all. (Pause.) Or Sarah’s either. (Laughs.) (Pause.) That senior year tAvo of our members were voted the most rei)resentative students at GHS: Helen Moye and .Tames Hey ward. Both deserved it. 'I'hey had been very actiA’e in school work. Jack: Speaking of active stu dents, W(i had several class members selected to the NIiS on a basis of scholarship, service, character, and leadership. They were Jean Edger- ton, .James HeyAvard, .James Crone, .Jack Wharton, lioss Ward, .Jane Smith, William Thompson, (ieorge Ham, I^obbie Anne Sanborn, Helen Moye. Sakah : Don’t let’s forget the Ilobo Convention which we spon sored. Everyon(! had an excellent time seeing its fan dancers and grave diggers. And, to toj) things off, Ave KonixslHUSY': 'A . "‘""I nearing its final day, stuV'V ^ certainly busy, especial^'*’ BaiKpiet. All seniors, in getting snapsho^d in their eve- lutographs of their classn'iNoys in their Photographic-minded students ‘ Miss Gordner’a homeroom AAWt. finishing up their ])roject of having ^ a picture history of 1937-’38. corswith ing, but DANCE: Seniors’ faces lighted up Avhen Mr. Burt .lohnson nounced the dance for them after commencement to be given by the'^ School Board. lIoAvever, the great-? Nancy est smiles came when he said that Harry if a senior had a date Avith anyone editor; other than a senior, they Avould^’ feature admitted to tlie daiicc. ^himni editor; ad 'J'illy Horton, 10 /e .y >f our classrooms. Wliy, built, Ave had classes in the audi torium, the lunch room, room, and even the baseit. ♦Ta(’k: And THli]N we graduated! We waved good-bye to the friends Ave’d made these four years, and left; some to go to (iollege and some to Avork. Sarah: Oh, dear, (looking at the clock). ll(‘re it is alnu)st 9:30, way past Jack’s bed time. We must be going. .Ja(^k (leaving) : And to think wo used to go to parties and come in at the we(i hours of the morning. Sakah: Well, good-bye, .John. W(‘’ve enjoyed it. John: (Joodbye. Come again. (Pause.) Yes, sir, those Aver(> the good old days. I’ll never forget that night of graduation, lioy, we set a i>rece(lent and gave a play on Democracy. L('t’s se(> noAv. Who received thos(! prizes that ''ri' given? 'riien^ was a Weil prize, the lioyall essay prize, the American History prize. Who got those prizes '^ (Joodness sakes, the Hi News doesn’t carry it. My nu>mory must be going bad. I’ll think about it for a couple of days. Maybe it’ll come l>ack. (PJntrr jMolher, Father, Son.) Mother: How lid you get along while we Avere gone ? .John: Oh, some of my f^cliool chums dropped in and we had a little chat. AIothkh: W(‘11, .lames 'vas graduat('d. And now he insists on going to the C\)mmencenH'nt danc«'. We never thought of such a thing in my day. (^ranih'a: Yeah. Mothkr: What Avas that ? (Jrandi’a: Oh, nothing! .Just my cough coming on again. Fathkr: J.et’s go to bed, Father; you need all tlu* n^st possibh' in your condition. (>RANni*A; Very Avell. L(‘aA’(! as curtain closes.

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