you?” — dramatic hairdo — artist Mount Olive High School, 1; Homeroom Vice President, 5; Baseball, 1, 3, 4, 5; Football, I, 3, 4, 5; Basketball, 3, 4, 5; Junior Play Stage Committee, 3; Art Club, 3; Homeroom President, 3; Monogram Club, 3, 4, 5; Homeroom Treasurer, 3. • 104. VIRGINIA ROSE “Ginger Ale” — dusty blond — tall — reading Homeroom Secretary, 4; Library Representative, 4; Senior Invitations Committee, 4; Arts and Crafts, President, 4; English Vice President, 3; Home Nursing, 3; Home Economics Secretary, 2. • 105. ROBERT ROUNTREE “Squaretree” — paper boy — hunter — slow driver English Secretary, 3; Art Club, 3; Football, 3; History Vice President, 2; Biology President, 2; Homeroom President, 1, 2. • 106. NORWOOD ROUSE “Bill” — Vitalis — doorman — flashy dresser Senior Play Usher, 5; Senior Ways and Means Committee, 5; History President and Vice President, 5; Homeroom President, 4, 5; Class Council, 1, 3; Band, 2. • 107. ELIZABETH ROYALL originality — baseball fan — vamp — songstress — Amelia Earhart hair SA Assembly Committee, 4; Senior Play, 4; Comrnence- ment Music Committee (chairman), 4; English-Sociology. President, 4 NCSCC Delegate; Marshal, 3, 4; Junior Play, 3; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Sauce For the Goslings, 3; Junior-Senior Waitress, 2; Shakespeare Club, 2; Biology Play, 2; Homeroom Treasurer, 2; Latin President, 2; Freshman Song Committee, 1; Glee Club, 1; Julius Caesar, 1. • 108. SALLY SANBORN Harlow hair — Miss Efficiency — notes — blushes — Charlie Co-Feature Editor Hi News, 4; SIPA Delegate (official), 4; Senior Play, 4; Senior Party Publicity Committee, 4; English President, 4; Sociology ^cretary, 4; Senior Supplement Committee, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 2, 3, 4; Senior Com mencement Committee Secretary, 4; Quill and Scroll, 3, 4; Junior Play, 3; SA Constitution Committee, 3; PTSA Rep resentative, 3; Journalism Secretary, 3; Junior-Senior Decorat ing Committee, 3; Junior Play Publicity Committee, 3; Feature Editor Junior Hi News, 3; Hi News Ad Solicitor, 3; Thanksgiving Pageant, 3; Class Cheerleader, 2; Biology Vice President and Treasurer, 2; English Reading Secretary, 2; Latest Lowdown Feature Editor and Secretary, 2; Junior- Senior Waitress, 1, 2 (program, 1); Silas Marner, 2; Latin Party Ticket Committee, 2; Best Looking, Best Dressed and (Tied) Most Personality, 2; Girls’ Athletic Club, 1; SA Council, 1; SA Handbook Committee, 1; To Thine Ownself Be True, 1. • 109. GERTRUDE SANDFORD “Gertie” — drummer gal — movies — constant worker — winks Dramatics President, 5; Barn Dance Entertainment Committee, 5; Band, 1, 3, 4, 5 (secretary, 4); Homeroom President, 3, 5; Homeroom Secretary, 3, 5; Sociology Vice President, 4; Baccalaureate Committee, 4; Home Economics Club Treasurer, 4; Homeroom Vice President, 1, 4; SA Council, 3; History President, 3; English Secretary, 3; SA Cafeteria Committee, 3; Home Economics President, 2; Dramatics Club Secretary, 2; Homeroom Treasurer, 2; Biology Secretary, 2; Swimming, 1; Science Vice President, 1; Fair Guide, 1. • 110. ELSIE RAE SAVAGE Wilson — laughing brown eyes — letters — week-end trips Barn Dance Ticket Committee (chairman), 4; Spring Elec tions Committee, 4; SA Council, 3, 4; Homeroom Librarian, 3, 4; Junior Dance Ticket Committee, 3; English Secretary, 3; World History-English Secretary, 2; Math Secretary, 1; English Treasurer, 1; Needlecraft Club, 1. • 111. MABEL SELBY “Mae Belle” — telephone fiend — endless giggles — Fremont Fremont High School, 1, 2; Homeroom Diploma Treasurer, 4; Barn Dance Ticket Committee, 4; Senior Play Ticket Committee, 4; Sociology Secretary, 4; Home Nursing Presi dent, 4; Library Representative, 4; SA Reception Commit tee, 4; Junior-Senior Refreshment Committee, 3; English Sec retary, 3; History Secretary, 3; Junior Play Scenery Com mittee, 3; Beta Club, 2. • 112. RACHEL SHEFFIELD ECTC — classic clothes — funny jokes — jewelry Library Representative, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 1, 2, 3, 4; Home Economics President and Secretary, 2, 4; Home room Vice President, 1, 2, 4; English Secretary and Hostess, 3; Home Nursing, 3; Home Economics Hostess, 2; Needle craft Club, 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer, 1. • 113. MARY OLIVIA SHUMATE Kinston — bywords — drum and bugle corps — Eckerd’s NCSCC District Meeting Delegate (unofficial), 4; Class Day Dress Committee, 4; Sociology Vice President, 4; Homeroom Free Lunch Fund Chairman, 4; Glee Club, 4; SA Council, 3, 4; Junior Play Poster Committee, 3; English-History Sec retary, 3; Library Representative, 3; In the Principal’s Of fice, 3; Basketball, 2, 3; History Secretary, 2; Homeroom Secretary, 1, 2; Girls’ Athletic Club, 1; Junior-Senior Wait ress, and Program, 1. • 114. ANDREW SMITH “Fat” — silent laughter — big — “Mae” — Tar Heels English-Sociology Secretary, 4; Chemistry Vice President, 4; Library Representative, 4; Football, 2, 3, 4; Basketball, 3, 4 (All-Conference Basketball Team, 4); Track, 3, 4; Home room Vice President, 3, 4; Homeroom President, 1; SA Nominating Committee, 1; Tennis 1. • 115. CHRISTINE SMITH curls — chewing gum — “oops” — Dodge Homeroom Librarian, Library Representative, and Vice Presi dent, 5; Penmanship Club, 2; Landscape Gardening, 1. 116. DOROTHY SMITH “Turk” — sweaters — Carolina Beach — convertibles Dramatics Vice President, 4; “Rich Man, Poor Man,” 4; English Secretary, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 2, 4; Junior- Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Commercial Law Vice President and Secretary, 3; English Vice President, 2; Home Economics Vice President, 2; Math President, 2; Girls’ Ath letics Club, 2; Dancing Club, 2; Glee Club, 1; Home Eco nomics Vice President, 1. • 117. ELLEN ELIZABETH SUMMERLIN SMITH punch bowls — Rosewood — obliging — silks— cherry smashes Class Council, 5; Barn Dance Ticket Committee, 5; SA Social Committee, 5; English Treasurer, 5; Senior Ring Com mittee, 5; Senior Gift Committee, 5; Senior Play Scenery Committee, 5; Homeroom Secretary, 4; Senior Play Usher, 4; Junior Play Program Committee, 3; English Secretary, 3; Junior Play Usher, 3; Christmas Play, 3. • 118. HILDA SMITH saleslady — city buses — out-of-town dates — candy Diversified Occupations, 4; Glee Club, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Library Representative, 3; Health Room Nurse, 3; Home Nursing, 3; Music Appreciation Club, 2. • 119. MARJORIE SMITH “She’s my pal” — chewing gum — arts and crafts — Chevrolets Arts and Crafts, 4; Senior Play Property Committee, 4; Glee Club, 3; English Secretary, 3; Home Economics Li brarian, 3; Library Instruction Vice President, 2. • 120. VERNON SOUTHERLAND “Sea Berry” — “Skinny” — team spark plug Barn Dance Decorating Committee, 4; Homeroom Library Representative, 4; Football, 4; Basketball, 4; Senior Play Stage Committee, 4; Junior Play Stage Committee, 3: Base ball, 3, 4. • 121. BILLY SPIRON “Spiru” — baseball manager — industrial arts — sudden outbursts Baseball Manager, 4; Senior Play Usher, 4; Monogram Club, 4; Homeroom Vice President, 1, 2, 4; Junior-Senior Deco rating Committee, 3; Homeroom President, 1. • 122. PAUL STARLING “Palook” — women — smiles — track — friends English President, 4; Biology Roll Secretary, 4; Sociology Vice President, 4; Football, 1, 2, 3, 4; Track, 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Play Poster Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; English Vice President, 3; Math Vice Presi dent, 2; Industrial Arts Vice President, 1, 2; Industrial Arts President, I. • 123. JEAN E. STARTT “Theresa” — Marylander — unpredictable — innocent remarks . Saint Mary’s Parochial School, 1, 2; SA Lost and Found Committee, 4; English Secretary, 4; Homeroom Treasurer and Library Representative, 4; Junior Play Wardrobe Com mittee, 3; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Home room Secretary, I, 2. 124. GEORGE STENHOUSE “Red” — arguments — procrastination — vocabulary — rambling talker Hi News Managing Editor, 4; NCSCC District Meeting Steering Committee, 4; Commencement Committee, 4; Senior Play Usher Committee (chairman), 4; SA Finance Committee, 4; Hi News Drive Committee (chairman), 4; SIPA Delegate (official), 4; Marshal, 3, 4; Tennis, 3, 4; Class Vice Presi dent, 3; English President, 3; Homeroom Parliamentarian, 3; SA Board of Elections, 3; SA Constitution Committee, 3; SA Council, 3; NCSCC Dele^te (official), 3; Junior Play, 3; Hi News Staff, 3, 4, (Junior Issue Managing Editor), 4; Class Council, 1, 3; Sadie Hawkins Day Chairman, 2; Silas Marner Play, 2; Latest Lowdown Editor, Sports Editor, Parliamentarian, 2; NCSPA Delegate (official), 2; Class Elections Committee (chairman), 1; Homeroom President, 1; Julius Caesar Play, 1; General Science Program, 1; Debating Club, 1. 125. HENRY STENHOUSE “Stinkey” — speaker — encyclopedia — shy — Wilkie SA Treasurer, 4; NCSCC Delegate (official) 4; SA Finance Committee (chairman), 4; Baccalaureate Speaker Committee, 4; SA Council, 3, 4; Tennis, 2, 3, 4; Class Parliamentarian, 3; English-History Co-Chairman, 3; Homeroom President, 1, 3; SA Bulletin Board Committee 3; SA Nominating Commit tee, 3; Junior Play, 3; Biology President, 2; SA Cafeteria Committee, 2; Silas Marner, 2; Biology Play, 2; Art Club, 2; Julius Caesar, 1; Class Council, 1. • 126. MINNIE LOUISE STITH Newport News — tyning — invitations — original hair styles Senior Invitations Committee Chairman, 4; Homeroom Sec retary, 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi News Representative, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee Chairman, 3; English Secretary, 3; History Secretary, 3; Class Council, 2; Dancing Club, 2} Girls’ Athletic Club, 1; Junior-Senior Waitress, I. • 127. VIRGINIA STITH “Baby” — glamorous nails — night owl — tennis fan — chatterbox Senior Play Ticket Committee, 4; Commencement Commit' tee, 4; Senior Invitations Committee, 4; Junior Dance En tertainment Committee, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 3, 4; Junior Play, 3; No! Not the Russians Student Director, 3; Latin Treasurer, 2; Biology Secretary, 2; English Vice President, 2; Latest Lowdown Staff, 2; Latin Secretary, 1. • 128. VIRGINIA STRICKLAND honeysweet — figger — jitterbug —shy — petite Bulletin Board Committee, 4; Classroom Picnic CommitteCr 3; Homeroom President, 2. 129. CLYDE SWINSON girl-teaser — woman wary — blushes — slick hair Homeroom Vice President, 3, 4; Homeroom Host, 3. 130. MARY ELEANOR TAYLOR joke-cracker — originality — bus driver — winning smile — La Grange SA Council Alternate, 3; Homeroom Vice President and- Hostess, 3; Homeroom President and Secretary, 1, 2. • 131. THOMAS THIGPEN “Chum” — wild westerns — everybody’s pal — deep laughter SA Council, 4; Football, 4; Baseball, 4; Junior-Senior Deco-- rating Committee, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 3; Walk- Paving Group, 3; Fish Pond Cementing Group, 3. 132. JULIA THOMPSON “Little Bit” — dark eyes — raspberry lipstick — “All right, but” — English Vice President and Treasurer, 4; Home Nursing, 3; Homeroom President, 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary, 3; History Treasurer, 3; Homeroom Hostess, 1. • 133. MARY LOUISE THOMSON “Weeze” — velvet ribbons — oomph — Texas — nerve SA Athletic Committee, 4; Senior Play, 4; Barn Dance Country Store Committee, 4; Homeroom Treasurer, 4; Hi News Staff, 4; Swimming, 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Play, 3; SA Council Alternate, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 3; Homeroom Secretary, 3; SA Social Entertainment Committee, 3; Latest Lowdown Staff, 2; Silas Marner, 2; Biology Play, 2; Homeroom Secretary, 2; Junior-Senior Waitress, 2; Julius Caesar, 1; Needlecraft Club, 1. • 134. SARAH ALICE TOLER Ford V-8 — Ginn — natural curls — obliging SA Council Alternate, 4; SA Cafeteria Committee, 4; Class Day Dress Committee, 4; Class Council, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi News Ad Solicitor, 3; Junior Play Ticket Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Cloak and Decorating Committees, 3; Glee Club, 2; Homeroom President, 2: Math President, 2; English Secretary, 1, 2. • 135. BILL TRIPLETT “Shamp” — baseball — industrial arts fiend — pug nose Homeroom Vice President, 1, 4; Football, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Host, 3; Homeroom Treasurer, 3; Baseball, 2, 3. 136. LULA MAE VAN HOY glasses — sweaters — giggles — pert clothes Homeroom President, 4; Homeroom Vice President, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom English Vice-President and Secretary, 2; Senior Waitress and Program, 1; Home Economics Hostess, 1. • 137. WILLIAM WALLACE “Spooks” — voice changes — grins — En-Cee-Cue Football, 5; Physical Education, 4; Track, 1; Aycock Pageant, 1. 138. HARRY P. WARD “Pot” — friends — merman — style — biology Senior Play, 4; Homeroom President, 4; Football, 4; SA Council (alternate), 4; Band, 1, 2, 3, 4; Swimming, 2, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Biology Secretary, 2; Silas Marner Play, 2; Track, 1. PAGE TEN

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