Committee, 4; Class Day Nominating Committee, 4; Senior Barn Dance Publicity Chairman, 4; Hi News Staff, 3, 4; Tennis, 3, 4; Monogram Club, 3, 4; SA Council, 2, 4; Homeroom President, 1, 2, 4; Junior Play, 3; NCSPI Delegate (official), 3; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Junior Dance Publicity Committee (chairman), 3; Basketball, 1, 2, 3; English President, 2; Board of Elections, 2; Latest Low- down, 2; Biology Secretary, 2; Senior Banquet Waitress, 2; Junior-Senior Waitress and Program, 1; Debating Club, 1. 9. ERNEST CRONE everybody’s “Buddy” — diver — juggler •— ear-to-ear grin ^ass Cheerleader, 4; Eastern District of NCSCC Delegate «ficial), 4; Senior Play Publicity Committee, 4; Senior ftay Usher, 4; English President, 4; Sociology Vice President, 4; SA Bulletin Board Committee, (chairman), 4; Hi News Staff Artist, 4; Class Council, 4; Marshal, 3, 4; Art President, 3;_ Homeroom Treasurer, 3; Junior Play, 3; Junior Issue Hi News Staff Artist, 3; Swimming, 1, 2, 3; Latin Co-Chair- man, 2; Biology Secretary, 2; State High School Diving Champion, 1, 2; Library Club, 2; Shakespeare Club, 2; Most Personality, Best All-round, (Tied) Best Athletic and Most Popular, 2; SA Council, I; Julius Caesar, 1; General Science Play, 1; Vice President, 1; Homeroom President, 1; SA Cafeteria Committee, 1; Class Cheerleader, 2; Class ’ Vice President, 1. 10. DAVID ANDREWS “Dinky” — dramatics — diplomatic — dimples SA President, 4; Most Representative, 4; Senior Play, 4- NCSCC Delegate, (official), 4; Commencement Committee 4- Sociology Secretary, 4; Tennis, 3, 4; Biology President’ 2 4; History Vice President, 3; No! Not the Russians’ 3- Bread, 3; Delegate to Hear Dr. Fretwell, 2; Silas Warner’ 2; Shakespeare Club, 2; Biology Play, 2; Homeroom Secretary! I; Debatmg Club, 1; Latm Parliamentarian, 1; Julius Caesar 1. 11. SAMUEL BASS Sam flowers — nail files — stamps English Secretary, 4; Dramatics Costume Manager, 3- Council Representative, 2; Math Program Chairman, 1, 2.’ ’ 12. ANNIE LOUISE BAKER SQuare dancing — ribbons and kerchiefs — Steven’s Mill — A. C. L. Math Secretary, 2; Home Economics Hostess, 1, 2. 13. DORIS MAE BENTON talker — letters — butcher girl — Ford V-8 s Barn Dance Decorating Committee, 4; Served at District Meetmg Social, 4; Art Vice President, 4; Glee Club, 4- Library Representative, 4; Home Nursing, 3; Radio Broad casting, 3; Scouting, 1. 14. IDA BELL BENTON talker — lovestories — bus rides — blond curls Glee Club, 4; History-English Secretary, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 3; Biology Secretary, 2. 15. LENWOOD BENTON that grin — blond wavy hair — DiOc married — CCC Homeroom President, 4; Diversified Occupations Convention Delegate (official), 4. 16. THOMAS BLAND smiles — neighborhood girls — chewy — rug cutter — brown eyes Senior Play Usher, 4; Barn Dance Entertainment Committee, 4; Senior Play Property Committee, 4; English President, 4- Geometry President, 4; Band Vice President, 4; Homeroom President, 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheering Squad, 3, 4; SA Council, 2, 4; Band Quartet and Trio, 4; Tennis, 3, 4; Class Council, 3; Junior-Senior Program Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decora ting Committee. 3; Track, 2; Athletic Committee, 2; Foot ball, 1. • 17. ARTHUR BOYKIN “Buddy” — Hi News shop — man-about- town — inventions Baccalaureate Committee, 5; Homeroom President, 5; Senior Play, 5; Hi News Shop Manager, 5; Barn Dance Country Store Committee, 5; Class Social Committee (chairman), 4; Class Night Dress Committee, 4; English Secretary, 4; Homeroom President, 4; SA Council, 4; Class Council, 4; Junior Football Manager, 3; Homeroom President, 2; Home room Hi News Representative, 2; English President, 1. 18. RAYMOND ELWOOD BRADSHAW minutes — library slips — quietness — sincerity Building Trades Tool Clerk, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 4; Homeroom Devotional Chairman, 4; Homeroom Secretary and Tool Clerk, 2; English Parliamentarian, 2; History Presi dent, 1; Homeroom Vice President, 1. 19. JANE BROADHURST Split-tail coats — friendly — library — elections Homeroom Cap and Gown Treasurer, 4; Board of Elections, 4; Class Council, 4; Homeroom Treasurer, I, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 1, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating Comn;ittee, 3; Junior Play Property Committee, 3; Junior Play Prompter, 3; Dramatics Vice President, 3; English Secretary, 3; SA Guide Committee, 3; Hi News Ad Solicitor, 3; Biology Vice Presi dent, 2; Glee Club, 2; Silas Marner, 2; Biology Play 2; Junior- Senior Waitress, 2; Shakespeare Club, 2; Latin Treasurer, I; Julius Caesar, 1; Debating Club, 1. 20. BILLY BROWN crew hair cuts — records — technician Radio Work and Music for Socials; SA Stage and Property Committee (chairman), 4; SA Cafeteria Committee, 3; Junior- Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Junior Play Stage and Property Committee (chairman), 3; SA Nominating Com mittee, 1. 21. JUANITA BUCK intriguing smiles — Floyd — black ‘coop’ — Mabel Diversified Occupation, 5; Library Representative, 5; Home Economics Secretary-Treasurer, 4; English Secretary-Treasurer, 4; Class Council, 3, 4; Junior Play Ticket Committee and Usher, 3; Sociology President, 3; English Vice President, 3; Home Economics President, 3; Homeroom Bulletin Board Cornmittee (chairman), 3; Biology Secretary-Treasurer, 2; Latin Vice President, 2; English Program (chairman), 2; Homeroom Vice President and Treasurer, 2; School Fair Guide, 1; Civics President, 1; English Treasurer, 1; Math Social Committee (chairman), 1; Junior-Senior Waitress, 1; Homeroom Vice President, 1. 22. RAY CARR industrious — electricity — stage and property — handsome Rosewood High School, 1, 2, 3; Sociology President, 4; Math President, 4; Homeroom Treasurer, 4; Senior Play Usher, 4; Football, 4; Track, 4; Basketball, 1, 2, 3, 4; Marshal, 3; Junior Play, 3; Class Vice President, 3; Baseball, 1, 2, 3; Class Secretary, 2; Homeroom Secretary, 2. 23. LETHA MAE CARTER “Ginger” — Tuesday Night — jokes — Christmas colors Class Council, 4; Homeroom President, 4; Homeroom In vitation Treasurer, 4; SA Movie Committee, 4; Class Council 4; Homeroom Vice President, 1, 4; Band, 3, 4; Junior-Senior Refreshment Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decorating Com- mittee. 3; History-English Secretary and Treasurer, 3; Home room Secretary-Treasurer, 3; Junior Play Usher, 3; Photog raphy Club, 2; Biology Secretary, 2- Science Roll Secretary, 1- Basketball, 1; Girls’ Athletic Club, 1; Junior-Senior Waitress and Program, 1. 24. ANNIE MAE CHRISTENBURY bashful flirt — winks — Shelton — banana splits Homeroom Secretary, 4; Diploma Committee, 4; Barn Dance Refreshment Committee, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating and Invitations Committees, 3; Commercial Law President and Vice President, 3; Homeroom Economics President 2- English-History Secretary, 2; SA Council, 2; Girls’ Athletic Club Secretary, 1; SA Nominating Committee, I; Junior- Senior Waitress and Program, 1. 25. RUDOLPH COLE “Coot” — baseball tiger — sophomore girls — bookkeeper Homeroom President, I, 2, 4; English President, 1, 4; Home Economics President and Librarian, 3; Baseball, 3; English Host and Parliamentarian, 2; Industrial Arts President 2- Enghsh-History Vice President, 1, 2; English Secretary ’and Vice President, 1. 26. REBECCA COLLINS “Becky” — smooth dancer — National Guard — chevvies class Day Dress Committee, 4; Homeroom President, 1, 4; Homeroom Secretary, 1, 4; Glee Club, 1, 4. 27. THOMAS BARKER DAMERON, JR. “Knot” — boisterous — wimmin — grins SA Reception Committee, 4; NCSCC Delegate (unofficial), 4; English President, 4; Senior Play, 4; State College Engineer ing Fair Delegate (unofficial), 4; Homeroom Treasurer, 4; Chemistry President, 4; SA Council, 2, 4, (alternate), 4; Football, 2, 3, 4; Track, 1, 2, 3, 4; Class President, 3; History-English President, 3; In the Principal’s Office, 3; NCSCC Delegate (official), 3; Class Council, 3; SA Constitution Committee, 3; Homeroom Parliamentarian, 2, 3; Homeroom President, I, 3; Class Treasurer, 2; Silas Marner Play, 2; Biology President, 2; Shakespeare Club, 2; Julius Caesar Play, 1; General Science Program, 1; Debating Club, 1; Homeroom Treasurer. 1. 28. KATHLEEN DAVIS “Kitty” — Horace — generous — letters — math ace Homeroom Invitations Treasurer, 4; |un:or Play Make-u|i Committee (chairman), 3; Homeroom Free Lunch Fund Treasurer, 2, 3; Engljyh Vice President, 2; History Treasurer 2; Homeroom Vice P-esident, 2. 29. JEAN DENMARK “Strip” — jewelry — French stude — gobs of friends Senior Play Make-up Committee, 5; Barn Dance Publicitv 5; Commencement Song Committee, 5: The Rector 5- Rich Man, Poor Man, 5; Sociology President, 5; Dramatics President, 3; Tennis, 1, 4, (captain); English Secretary, 4: English \ ice President, 3, 4: Homeroom Vice President ^ 4; Homeroom President, 2, 3; English President, 1, 3; English Treasurer, 2; Afternoon Glee Club, 1, 2; Homeroom Secretary and Ireasurer, 1; Basketball, 1. 30. ROBERT DENMARK crooner — blondes — Candy Kitchen — band Usher, 4; English Secretary, 4; Vocal Quartet and Trio, 4; Greenville Music Contest, 4; Glee Club 4- Band, 1, 2 3, 4, (president), 4, (vice president),’ 3^ Homeroom President, 1, 4; Junior-Senior Transportation Committee, 3; English Host, 3; Homeroom Free Lunch Chairman, 3; Swing Band, 3; History Host and Vice President, 3; Homeroom Vice President, 2; Spring Foot ball, I 2; Algebra Vice President, 1; Scribblers’ Club. 1- Junior-Senior Program, 1. ’ 31. EVELYN DENNING typing jitterbug ging — curls — dreamy eyes Junior-Senior Invitation and Decorating Committees 3- Math Vice President, 3; Math Secretary, (assistant)’ 3- Homeroom Hostess, 1, 2; Basketball, 1; Physical Ed, 1. ’ 32. ANNIE MAE DUKE Kress — sweet — cute figure — smiles Senior Play Publicity Committ'-e, 4; English Secretary, 4; Ulee Uub, 4; Home Economics Secretary and Treasurer 1 3^ Home Economics Hostess, 1, 3; SA Council, 3: Home Nursing, 2. 33. ANN DIXON EDGERTON “Horse” — neighboring toions — speed demon — All Stars SA Cotincil, 4; Commencement Committee, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Homeroom President, 3; Junior Play, 3; Junior Issue Hi News Staff, 3; Latin Parliamentarian, z; Latest Lowdown Staff, 2; Homeroom Treasurer, 1* Junior- Senior Waitress and Program, 1. » 34. THOMAS ALLEN EDGERTON football — dimples — Sweethearts’ Club — Candy Kitchen — gawjus shoulders Class Council, 4; Class Ways and Means Committee, 4’ SA Council, 3, 4; Track, 1, 2, 3, 4; Football, 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Cornin’ Round the Mountain, 3; Dramatics Treasurer and Parliamentarian, 3. 35. SHELTON ELKS Kress — boyish — DiOc — stude — romeo Library Representative, 4; Barn Dance Publicity Committee, 4; Homeroom Treasurer, 3; Junior Play Poster Committee, 3; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Homeroom Holt, I, 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary, 2; Basketball, 2; Homeroom President, 1. 36. NEJIPE FARFOUR “Zeke” — excuses — service stations — lackadaisical SA Council Alternate, 4; Diversified Occupation, 4; Diversified Occupation Convention Delegate (unofficial), 4; Radio Broad cast Secretary, 4; Junior-Senior Decorating Committee, 3; Class Council, 3; Homeroom Secretary, 3; Saint Mary’s Parochial School, 1, 2; Class President, 1, 2. 37. WILLIAM FUTRELLE sudden recoveries — sweet swing — re versible jackets — amateur photographer Diversified Occupations, Club, 1. Scouting Club, 1; Photography 38. J. B. GARRIS early-to-rise — reserved — well combed hair — social science Homeroom Vice President, 4. PAGE FIVE.

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