Page Six Goldsboro Hi News Friday, February 28,1947 Can You Take It? Well, here I am again for my fifth edition of CAN YOU TAKE IT? So if you don’t like it, stop reading right now or you may be sorry. Who knows??? Not me!!! Donald Myers had his eye on Pe^y Jones for a time but chang ed his mind. That sophomore Ger aldine Williams seems to be more his type. I saw them at the ball game the other night. Good luck to you'both. You’re both swell . . A Junior, Polly Edgerton, has the lead in the Senior Play, “Sev enth Heaven.” This is her second appearance behind the footlights, and she’s dojng fine. Although there is considerable antagonism among the Seniors, I know of several Seniors that would have made just as good “Dianes!” Ruth Caudill for example. Charlie Westbrook hollers, “I don’t care,” every time he sees Wallace A. and Marjorie W. to gether now-a-days. Billy Thompson says that Peg gy Jones is too silly for him now, sio he’s trying for that sober, ser ious sophomore, Lillian Pate. “Sil ly” Jones doesn’t seem to mind as she has a Cassanova dying for her attention, namely, Gerald Massengill. Everybody’s giving “Slick” the runaround at lunch—if you know what I mean??? That bashful Romeo, William S. Howell, is still giving Mary Gray Hollowell all his time and-atten tion. Seems that Miller Eason and Leslie Britt will have to ease up on their night life. They had it pretty rough on the ole gridiron and came out with two perfectly beautiful busted lips. But I be lieve Tommy Davis really lighten ed Miller’s “night life” for him... He really rushed Erline at the Y. P. O. Valentine Dance . . . I turned green with envy when Martha Winslow appeared at the Valentine Dance with three white gardenias—F. W. must have got ten terribly generous all of a sud den — or did he rob somebody’s grave???? Don’t mind me—I said, I was jealous!!! When asked if he wasn’t sweet on Margie Perry, Bobby Malpass remarked —“YEA”— and he was serious, too. When we asked Os car B. he said he was sweet on Sug!!!I Corri, I’d say. I heard that Ginger Keen was just craz-z-2-z-y about Wallace Allen. (Of course I wouldn’t swear to this statement, I just heard it). Strictly off the record Casey and Cat don’t seem to be doing so well. This really makes me sad—you’re such a cute couple.... It seems J. P. Keen has been drafted into going up to Raleigh to spend the weekend at “Peace” with Ann Warren . . . Boy, they really make a couple .... Don’t they????? Goose is trying awfully hard to get up a terrible case between Dorothy Lahr and Tut. You can see examples of his workmanship all over the walls of the gym, Community Building, G. H. S. etc. While Tut swears that Goose is in love with Susan Coward . flame for that guy from Kinston. He’ s cute, Marilyn, so here’s to your romance. Doreen seems to be beating Inez’s time with Benny. He danced with Doreen all evening at the Valentine dance while Inez sat on the sidelines and watched. Guess she’ll always carry a torch for him, although he doesn’t even speak. La Grange sure can boast some goodlooking boys . . . Wish I could meet some. Wonder how Gertie, Ruth and Jayne did it?^?? And I hear that Ruth really likes one certain guy. One of the sharpest boys iji town seems to have captured Vera Lee Gainey’s heart—all she talks about now is Knotty, Knotty, Knotty and more Knotty. Somebody has surely been giv ing Marjorie Pal;^ a lot of pres ents. She came in English balanc ing a huge brown bag tied up with a pink bow, the other day. There was a lot of discussion about what was in it but riobody could get her to open it—Later she did and out rolled cigarettes, soap, match es, and one stick of gum. It was really a nice present. Also she got a box of Valentine candy from her favorite beau. FLASH!!! Lou and Poodle had a spat—and she wouldn’t walk with him to school. Instead she walked a half block ahead—but we’re glad to report they’ve made up now . . . ' Ida Lewis is one cute gal—She always has a smile for everyone and well—she’s just the sort of person you like to be around. Wonder what D. C. Rouse thinks of G. H. S.’s girls??? We know quite a few who think, he’s mighty cute. A1 Ithe Seniors are going around school practicing how they’re going to pose when they have their pictures taken for the supplement. Isn’t it a pity we can’t all be beautiful???? Mary Olive Grady and Rev. Leon Russell Mary Oliver Grady Wins Speech Contest Junior-Senior Banquet Plan Is Announced The Junior-Senior banquet will follow a colonial theme, was the announcement made by Jane barker, chairman of the Junior- Senior committee, at a junior class meeting held February 20. There will also be a junior issue of the Hi News, and a committee, with Davis Byrd as chairman, will be selected to work on it. There was a discussion of the junior play, which is ^to be given on April 25, and it was decided to let Miss Sarah Alexander and Mr. Clifton Britton, dramatics teachers, decide upon the play to be given. Miller Eason, president of the Junior class, presided over the meeting. Legion Holds Content Disc Hits ONESIE, TWOSIE, GOOSE LOVES SUSIE . Jewel O. and Horace have up a terrible case. Jewel, you did forget Bill, didn’t ya???? We’re all glad!!!! Marilyn seems* to have all her Edwards-'Crumpler SHELL STATION Ash & Center Sts. Phone 195 GIDDENS Jewelry Store GIFT HEADQUARTERS North Carolina’s Oldest Jewelers Goldsboro’s Oldest Business Biliy Winslow reports he has broken up with Anne Lee. But don’t be too downcast, Susan Smith wil Itry to appease you!!I Quite a few new romances bud ded at the renowned Valentine Dance—for instance . . . Martha Rose and Bill Hart, Boz and Mary Ann Jeffreys, Donald Pike and Irene Jeffreys, F. W. and Martha Winslow. Kitzi seemer to be with everybody . . . Some lucky blonde got six red roses from Kenneth Waters that night. We all know that red roses signify love!!! Moon seems to be lavishing his attentions on Audrey Garris—for the time being anyway . . . Ida Lewis took the cake when she escorted Julian Hill to the dance. He has been just dying to date her. Have fun, Julian???? From my inter-channel of in formation I find that Bill is try ing to step out on Molly. Didn’t notice her crying into any stale beer tho—She and Jello seemed to have a huge time at the dance. Miss Langston versu^ Tut and Curtis!!! The whole school waits to find out if they will or will not return to class—We, in English sure do miss you two. There’s a certain spark of gaity that isn’t there when you’re out—oh broth er!!! Some girls get a thrill when they walk down the halls and p: Cartlon. It is true he usually winks .... Well, girls, maybe you Goldsboro Book Store Books — Stationery For Fifty Years y GIVE GIFTS TO BE PROUD OF from LEDER BROTHERS “Where You Shop With .Confidence and Wear With Pride” have a chance, (and maybe your name isn’t Peggy). Every Sunday morning finds Chubby in Sunday School. Can’t imagine what’s happened to the old boy. He certainly has changed since he started going wit^ Lil lian .... For a while it looked like Char lie Wiggs (better known to his buddies as Ossie) and La Vern Tew (better known to her bud dies as La Vern) were about to call it quits . . . But Cupid was in there kicking so we can’t smear their names through this issue. Doggone the'luihc . . . (StricUy aside from writing this column, we’re glad, but don’t tell anybody. We’re suposed to be cold blood ed). This should be in the alumni news, but they don’t print trash— so I’ll include it in my—er—col umn. Tootsie Powell of ’45 seems to be trying her best to make a hit with Leon Perry of ’45 ... . But no go—He must be president of some Bachelor’s Club. Mdrilyn Johnson felt mighty good to hear that Charlie had broken up with M. W.-;-Marilyn is tops, Charlie!!! What happened to Frank, Janie? Or has Albert Pate taken his place????? Clip, I think you have been holding out on us, about Jean Daughtry and yourself. I will have just shovels and shovels of dirt next time,, so you better be careful or y'bu might be scooped up as the dirt for the next edition—^you better be good and until then, CAN YOU TAKE IT?? Lynch’s Restaurant Excellent Food a-nd Service Mary Olive Grady won first place in an oratorical contest on the topic, “Is World Government the Path to Peace” held in the GHS auditorium recently. She was presented a medal by Judge D. H. Bland, president of the Wayne County Bar Association which sponsored the contest. Janie Bart lett and Polly Edgerton were giv- Donald Pike opened the contest en special mention by the judges, by explaining the purpose of the speeches. He introduced the other speakers. Those speaking were Donald Pike, Polly Edgerton, John Thompson, Janie Bartlett, Elwna Miller and Mary Olive Grady. Judges for the contest were J. W. BuUer, secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce; Eugene Roberts, teacher; and Herbert Hulse. New Invitations Are Adopted (Continued from Page 1) class may have a nice invitation at the smallest possible cost. The committee was headed by Martha Winslow, and the other members were, Peggy Ann Britt, Mannie Bernstein, Herbert How- ^1, Jayne Grant, Ned Champion, Miller Eason and Jack Hauser. (Continued from Page 1) poraneous oration of not less than 4 or more than 6 minutes. Most of the Legion posts in each county will provide a medal or ppze for the winner in its coun ty. Most posts do give first, sec ond, and third prizes. The winner in the'state finals will be given $100.00; runnerAip, $50.00; Room and board will be furnished each contestant that wishes to stay over night after the contest at the State finals. The winner in the State will be given transportation, room, and board to the National Regi onal contest and an award. The winner in the National Regional contest will be given board, room, and transportation to the National contest. The winner in the National contest will be given a four year scholarship with all ex penses paid to the college or uni versity of his or her choice valued at $4000.00. The other finalists in the National contest will receive substantial awards. {By Leah Ll6yd Rigshee) Hello again! This is me and I’m back again with the latf’st dope on the latest recordings. There’s lots of it, so lend an ear (don’t take me literally). Johnny Desmond has come out with a superb recording of “Guil ty.” If that doesn’t send you, turn the record over and listen to a mellow version of “I’ll Close My Eyes.” i In case you’re an Andy Russell fan, you can listen to his platter of “I’ll Close My !^es.” “Dream time” is the reverse on this disc, but you won’t go to sleep ’cause you won’t want to miss a note. It’s really super. No doubt you’ve heard “Open the Door, Richard.” It’s been re ported that they’re even singing it in darkest Africa. Dusty Fletch er, the originator. Count Basie, the Charioteers, and several others have made recordings of this new est novelty tune. In case you haven’t heard, “The Key’s in the Mailbox” is a sequel to “Richard.” Watch for it! You’ll want to hear it, too! Frank Sinatra ought to rake in on his latest recording ’cause it’s really one of his best. “This Is the Night” is the name, and you’ll COME TO Woodley’s Grocery for Meats, Fruits and Produce _r y Headquarters for Sporting Goods at Hub Hardware 126 E. Walnut St; for NEW OUTFITS BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES COMPANY Building Material, Sand and Gravel Jacksonville —.Phone 334-1 Goldsboro — Phone 390. We Cordially Invite You to Visit ASH CASH GROCERY Edijewood’s New and Modem Fancy Grocery Store Comer Ash ^d Herman Streets “V. ASH STREET PHARMACY “Your Neighborhood Drug Store” * We Develop Films — Larja Prints at No Extra Cost 814 E. Ash St. Phone 1827 We Deliver DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMERY Etc. BUNCH DRUGSTORE Prescription Druggists , PURITY and ACCURACY •— SEED DEALERS — Succe,ssors to Waters Driig THERE IS A DIFFERENCE Cold Fur and Wool Storage WHITE'S LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS 300 N. John Street WATSON’S GROCERY 'Self Service — Meats — Groceries — . 500 N. John St. IDEAL BARBER SHOP 116 N. John street ^ Byrd’s News Service Sue’s Superb Sandwiches and Magazines of All Kinds Next to Greyhound Bus Co. —T‘ probably think that this is the song. Another one of those slow, dreamy songs is “The Anniversary Song.’' It’s featured in “The Jol- son Story,” a superb picture star ring arry Parks, a newcomer.L Juy Lombardo and also Dinah -Kiore have made recordings of I. So run down and pick out one, -ccording to your taste. You’ll be i-vky II' you can get it. Speaking of beii^g lucky, Perry Jc*no was on the beam (moon beam, that is) when he made “If i’m Lucky.” “Sonata” is another Como hit! ‘lieartaches” has recently been ravived and it’s as good as new. You’ll like it. So long for now. I’ve got to run down and listen to the “Duel in the Sun” album. Wish you could come, but since you can’t—I’ll tell you ’bout it next time. See ya’. y Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Collins Clothing Co. 136 South Center w. G. B. R. W. G. B. R. - F. M. Pioneering Radio Education in North Carolina y “Flowers” SAY IT BEST- For whatever the occasion, let our flowers say it for you. Goldsboro Floral Co. y WAYNE SALVAGE & EXCHANGE “We Buy and Sell Anything of Value” 121 E. Mulberry St. Phone 1440 GOLDSBORO, N. C. y SEE SMITH HARDWARE CO. 'for Sporting Goods and Anything in Hardware SCRAP GOLDSBORO IRON & METAL COMPANY Goldsboro pgJHrararajEfpJHraipjataiHiHiHfais/ajHJHjgjarErEjaraHrajHtEramiiiilfli J. C. PENNY CO. “Where the Nation Shops” fjifgnrer^jsreiHraraHjEEnaraHigiHjaiEi'BjHjaaraiBJEfarammBjaraitii] I f—^ BUY YOUR GIFTS AT ISAACS-CASTEEN CREDIT JEWELERS 106 N. Center Street , GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA