One of our most popular Seniors is ^./ilhelmina iCfird, a pretty and attractive blonde, ’’Will”, as she is called, has so much pep that she v/as olectbd one of the cheer leaders in the Boosters* Club and for the high school. She is also secretary of her home room. U'uring her four years in high school she has made a good re cord in scholastic i/ork. Throughout high school she has been an active meiiiber of the Draraatic Club, taking part in such plays as ”Seven in One”, ”bj)anish Moon”, ”Tne Hoodoo”, and "The House of the Flashing Light”* Wilhelraina refuses to express her preferences among bojrs or vocations, but whatever her choice, v/e predict for her success v/ith both# W. C. GORRELL y. C, Correll is one of our most deserving Seniors* As editor-in-chief of The Full Moon and president of the Journa listic^ Club, ho is proving his capability. Those who doubt his ability to dra^/ and write, should read his editorials and ezaiiine the "cuts" - for v/hich he is responsible - in this Thanksgiving issue. y. C., a typical blonde, v/ith a pleasing personality, has v/on many friends throughout the school. Ho is a dependable student, a member of Yt M. M. A., and treasurer of his home room. Although ho is a misogynist, we warn him - "there vdll como a day I” i/hen "Dub” realizes his amljition to become an aviator, \ie all v\Till Y/ish for him "happy landings”*