The Full Moon s,.h..rint.ion Price: 25e a Year: 5c a UDRARy ^]l938-39 Member Editor Associate Editors News Editors Exchange Editor. .. .Virginia Stone ( Pauline Beaver •1 Lee Copple Virginia Crowell Glenn Smith Jack Lowder 1 Ellen Hearne Hazel Mauldin Carolyn Stone Ted Wallace [ Virginia Niven Jack Lowder ..Gladys Watson Business Manager.... Assistant Business Managers. .. Circulation Managers Business Advisor , Fred Sharkey ( Bailey Gulledge I Max Ritchie Willie Ellerbe ALBEMARLE, N. C., APRIL 6, 1939. “FOGHORNS” By Howard Pease. (Reviewed by Ted Wallace) Foghorns” is a thrilling title a thrilling sea mystery by Howard Pease. San Francisco s famous waterfront is the setting of this story which is centered on the ■ver present labor troubles that all irdinary seamen fear. The story begins when Greg Richards, a young lover of the sea, has come to San Francisco amid the protests of his wealthy aunt, with the' determination to secure a iob on a ship. Finding that jobs are scarce, he is about to give up when a stranger offers him a slip which entitles him to a job on the freight er, “Araby.” Taking a chance, Greg buys the ticket and reports for duty on board the “Araby,” only to find himself involved in a mystery that can be solved only through a series of exciting adventures into San Francisco’s Chinatown. Having lived many years near the colorful waterfront. Pease paints a vivid picture of the vari ous activities that are practiced there. Don’t get excited; there’s no cause for alarm. Tk breaking ... It looks like Max S. has t-A a date It is rumored that a girl from Kannapolis is break^ T 1 Walsie’s romance . . . C. B. gives Tina a rush in dj £foii:n^ynt."fher"^.“ r^ifmaWnrA'^s°now-no/"ofh^^^rlport card, h^ever"'j iind Dott P Ummm! competition, girl.'.. . . . •learinu L.,f ,.t tingles when Tommy R. smi'es at her . . Bet Alfred M., 'iot of"days (and nights)_at^ Ritchie_s Lake^ this^^summer , w really gave Margaret J. down the country when sk. ‘Maggie” had dated Reuben . . . Have you seen “Phennie'i, book'' There’s been a bit of forgery going on there Wh, penrwhen Doc tries to horn in on another of Bonnje’.. dates? i L gets a date with “Knottsy, of course ... Hamp didif Viimfelf UD anv better when he broke that date with the fern in r* boro . . .'Wanted: Another C. A. R. dance. The D. A. R. ‘Gerrv" C. prefers a K to an A on her swe — 1—The httle on Honor Society Tenets Scholarship, service, leadership, and character—these tenets of the creed of the National Honor socie ty are ideals for which every boy and girl should strive. Scholarship, not merely for the grades but the knowledge one gams by study and thought, is a reward within itself. Service—so easily achieved by anyone! A kind word or deed, no matter how small, goes a long way toward making one’s fellowman happy. Leadership is perhaps a bit hard er to attain, for all of us cannot be leaders. However, we can strive to become better ones through con scious effort and perseverance. Character is perhaps the most important of all. It plays a promi nent part in each of our lives, and, furthermore, the future of our country depends greatly on the character that is developed by the boys and girls of today. Congratulations, A. H. your initiation into the National Honor society! This is undoubted ly one of the greatest advance ments made in our school. The or ganization of an honor society will serve both as an incentive for stu dents to work and as an ideal for better all-round development of each member of the student body. power and patience to struggle with the problems that confronted them? It would be hard to get along with out the modern conveniences and medical perfections that men like Edison, Pasteur, Cooper, Fulton, the Wright brothers. Bell, Morse, and Whitney worked persistently to give us. It takes effort, perseverance, and ‘stick-to-it-iveness,” to be able to finish all that which we have be gun. Let’s make our motto, “Fol low through,” and work with a sire to win. Remember that ever quits and a quitter never wins.” Quitters Are you a quitter? The kind of person who never finishes a task that he has begun? After leaving a small bit of work unfinished, it becomes easier the second and third time. Each task may become larger and more important, and soon we do not have the will power to complete any of our work. Be fore we know it, it has become the battle of life that we are up against. Then it’s too late; the battle is al ready lost, if one is a quitter. There is no time better than the present for us to learn to continue our work from the beginning end. Now it will be hard to break the quitting habit, but if we wait, then it becomes much more diffi cult. Quitting keeps one from pro gressing, and makes his a weak, reliable character. Think of the things we would be without today if the leaders of yesterday had been quitters. What kind of country would this be if Washington, Lee, Jefferson, Mann, and Lincoln had not had the will Ready? Get Set! May S—Field Day! Have you made any plans for it? Are you go ing to participate in any of the ac tivities? Your class needs your help, so drag out that school spirit and be on hand to score points along with your other classmates. It is up to you to make this second annual Field Day a success. It depends altogether on your par ticipation in the events and your cooperation, just as did the carni val. And congratulations—since we are on the subject of the carnival— to you, students, and to the advis ory council, for making it a real success. It is such cooperation and good will as was shown then, that forms the incentive to plan and carry out more extra-curricular activities. Wilhelmina Efird was recently honored by being nominated for office of chief marshal at W. C. U. N. C. Wilhelmina is a house president and also a member of the student legislature. Frances Henning was among the twenty-five students to participate in a swimming meet at W. C. cently. Hilda Foreman was selected to play a leading role in the play “The Three Cornered Moon,” given by Playcrafters at Appalachian State Teachers’ college. Craig Hopkins, a student Wake Forest, has been elected pres ident of the N. Y. Gulley Law so ciety. Craig also is treasurer of Gamma Eta Gamma, legal fratern- How the* ledge boys can break hearts. The little one h^s a freshman, begging for mercy . . . Annette S. has the soph, boys all a-twittt Glem S. is just getting up from the fall for an Endy gal he met, walloped ’em in basketball! ... ^ Spring is upon us, and it was just as I thought. The on-« Junior-Senior (if that’s what it is) will bring more affairs a, ' affairs. S’ long till the special senior edition. YE WISE OLDE 01 f CORNEL ODE TO MOTHER 0 Mother, when you went away, 1 did not know you’d gone to stay. Dear Mother, you left me alone; I have no one to be my own. You were so very dear to me; And dear to me will always be The memory of my sweet Mother, Who gave her life to save another. —Pearl Smith. ity. Louise Leonard was one of the four students at Appalachian to make an average of “A” on all sub- Exchanges ill: “Can you swim?” in: “It all depends on handsome the lifeguard is.” Teacher—“How long did the thirty-year war last?” Student—“About ten years, I think.”—Spencer Hi Life, Spencer High School. Lee: “Honestly, would you think I bought this car second hand?” John: “No, I thought you made it yourself.”—Pine Whispers, — ston-Salem, N. C. ODE TO A ROSE How sweet thy smell, oh, lovely make a sightly bed. of a plant with briars you So large and soft and sweet. You put all other blooms to shame, When in a vase you meet. The joyful thoughts you give today Will last long into years; Your beauty never fades away, But still my soul it cheers. —Rachel Leonard. ETIQUETTE Q. How does one know which silver to use at a banquet? A. As a general rule, start with ^he silver farthest away. Q. How does one eat pickles and olives? A. Pick them up with the fin gers. Q. From which side does one sit down at a table? A. The left side. Q. How does one eat bread? A. Break it, and then butter it as you eat it. Q. Should one ever telephone a person who is at formal banquet? A. Never, unless it is absolutelv necessary. 'jttle boy entered a barber shop. How do you want your hair cut, my little man?” inquired the barber. « “L'ke Dad’s,” replied Bobbie, with a hole in the top.”—The Torch, Pfeiffer Junior College. “You have acute in Mrs. Brown: digestion.” Carl: “Tee! Hee! Do you think Those who go to college and nev- CT get out are called professors.— The Torch, Pfeiffer Junior College. Reporter: “To what do you at tribute your old age?” Centenarian: “For the first sev enty years of my life the motor car was not invented, and for the last thirty years I have not been out ' the streets.—Facts and Fw, Thomasville, North Carolina. Basket Lockers Are Installed Another addition to the modern equipment in the gymnasium the convenient baskets installed m the girls’ dressing room. Each girl taking “gym” has an individual ba^ket with a lock. The girls say that since the kets have been put in, their clothes stay in much better condition. AN APRIL DAY A glorious change has tm bi An April sky is overheai jg Like emerald glows the derji And flowers are no longer Ji j.( And bursting from their icj) The golden buttercups have; t Awakened from their winteti i; The hyacinth and* the crocwi Into the arms of Spring; tin p Is filled with their perfn rare; y Blush-tinted petals of the » , Peach-blossoms lend a rosy: To where-—withdraw'n intoi Of crimson haze and amethp ^ The jeweled hill is sparklin ^ dew ’Neath fleecy clouds in ti blue. The woods are full of 4( white; Fresh violets spring up ovei' And mossy stones by tj brooks Now hide arbutus in cool on —Jane Mor FERDINAND, THE BULL Old Ferdinand was a peaceful bull; His color was snow white. He liked to hear the birdies sing, never liked to fight. ras as friendly as the dickens, as playful as a dog; He played leap-frog with all the hog. 1 swimming with the He was so unsuspecting As to play with Joe, the snake, When rattler Joe stuck out his tongue. Old “Ferdie” began to shake. Frightened Ferdinand checked out, And, followed by the snake, He ran about a hundred miles, Before he pushed the brake. “Fei'die” got on a railroad track. And, tired from his dash, he stumbled. He didn’t see the "Silver Streak,” And on toward him it rumbled. The train was blowing as it charged; Ferdinand; This fight, it was his first and last, As everybody knows. Old Ferdinand’s remains were laid Beneath the meadow’s flowers Upon his grave a lofty tree Like a protector towers. These are the words carved the For every passerby to see: “It happened on a midnight clear; I he stars were shining bright. Here lies the peaceful Ferdinand, Who lost his only fight.” CHARLIE’S FORD Charlie bought a sporting Fr He’d saved for quite a whili In fact he’d planned this vc To drive for many a mile. ... ./ent into the country Ic Not caring where he woiui Until at last in a farnier’iji This boy and Ford were foo The ballad is not funny iKH- It really is no joke, ’Cause Charlie’s Ford wwi when the weary motors And all the jerks died dow Then Charlie rallied and got From his soft seat upon thef Beneath the hood he fouoJ parts: He loosened up some lugSi And since he knew not wn*' He threw away the plugs. Away went plugs and timer* Followed by the clutch, MP" Then Charlie thought it This useless wa.ste of junk. He tied a wire around the k* And also ’round each door; ■ ;ven bolted down the And put tape over the fltK*' He pushed old Lizzie up the^ And .started coasting 't He hoped to reach And coast on into Charlie’s Ford t That .soon’made Charlie “tif I And so he made a left turn j The curve went to the rign ] a higher M Now, Charlie’s Ford is on tw No, not with this poet so But in the city dump she | As “tops” among the