)0S Senior Edition Sponsored by Journalistic Club The Full Moon Congratulations to the Graduates! Vol. 16 ALBEMARLE, N. C., MAY 31, 1939 No. 23 A. H. S. CHAPTER OF NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY —WITH ENGLISH 12 “SHE LOVES ME. SHE LOVES IE NOT!” Those were the words f Gehring as he slowly pulled the etals from a daisy. The crowd ?as tense. There was a silence, 'hen came the shout of joy, “She 3ves me!” But Mr. Gehring wouldn’t tell who “she” was. Encouraged by the results of the bove case, Mr. Gibson tried his ack. Very different were his re- ctions from those of our history eacher. He pulled the petals fast! 5ut alas—“She loves me not!” “Oh, well, I didn’t have to get a aisy to tell me that!” the princi- al murmured. ^}^ * * * EVIDENTLY SYDNEY GUL- ,EDGE doesn’t believe in wasting nything that can be eaten. They say that your stomach is as irge as a hen egg and no larger, ut things can be stretched some- ;mes. As a member of the Na- onal Honor society, “Syd” en- oyed to the fullest extent a picnic upper given on Morrow mountain lay 9. After eating what “Syd” term- d as a “healthy looking plate” and it would take a good healthy erson to eat that much food), he 'ent for more fried chicken. When rat disappeared, he commented lat he was getting full and he idn’t want to get full. “My -.omach is actually hurting,” said Syd.” However, when everyone had Ti’shed P'.tintr. someone pas.sed the -ay with several pieces of chicken ft on it, and “Syd” just couldn’t ssist the temptation. Patting his omach, he casually remarked. Well, it does pat good.” P. S. Miss Milling later found piece of chicken and some dough- uts in “Syd’s” pockets. He ate ■ose, too, when no one was look- ID YOU KNOW THAT— Iris Almond has been secretary ■r all of her home rooms since she itered high school? Mary K. East has never missed •tting on the honor roll during ^r twelve years in school? The girls’ tennis team has lost ily one single match during this *1| nnis season? * * * * WHEN MR. GEHRING SAW OW LARGE and deep the pool is at Morrow mountain, a frown vered the usually smiling face, it when he was shown the “Kid- 3 Pool,” he smiled from ear to r. “And there’s just loads of sand I play in,” he added. Graduates Receive Diplomas Tonight Dr. A. C. Reid of Wake For est to Deliver Address; Mary Katherine East Will Give Valedictory. / Local Chapter Of National Honor Society Is Installed 23 Members Tapped In Can dlelight Ceremony; Mrs. Milner Speaks; First Officers Chosen. lee Copple To ^ Edit Full Moon Miss Watson and Miss Eller- >e, faculty advisors for the Full Vloon, have announced that Lee topple will be editor and Ken- leth Brooks, business manager lext year. Lee, who succeeds Virginia Hone, served as associate editor his year and has been an active nember of the literary section •f the Journalistic club for hree years. He is also editor »f the Al-Hi-Script and school eporter for the Stanly News ind Press. This will be the third consecu- ive year for Kenneth to hold he office of business manager ♦f the Full Moon. He is also •resident of the Albemarle hapter of the National Honor ociety and a member of the business section of the Journal- stic club. t With the tapping of 23 of thej mo.G oufstandinfj student ., in the eleventh and iweiftii grades, the Albemarle chapter of the National' Honor society was installed April ■ 25. After the tapping, members i were given robes and candles and were seated on the stage. F. N. Patterson, chairman of the school board, pledged the following initi ates : Sidney Gulledge, Mary Kath erine East, Iris Almond, Geraldine Crisco, Sue Coble, Glenn Smith, j and Lorene Melton from the twelfth grade; Pauline Beaver, Sara Doby, Billy Benson, Jane Morrow, Virginia Wilkinson, Ken- : neth Brooks, Lois Milton, Thomas | Hatley, Margie Lipe, Hazel Maul din, Clara Lorch, Virginia Crowell, Rachel Leonard, Jack Lowder, Edith Shaver, and Mary Ethel Cranford from the eleventh grade. A faculty committee of five chose the members on a basis of scholar ship, character, service, and leader ship. Following the pledge, Mr. Grigg, city superintendent, explained the symbolism of the emblem, “Torch light.” Mrs. Milner Speaks. Mrs. Clyde A. Milner, a member of the faculty of Guilford college, was the principal speaker. Her topic was “Relations,” boy and girl relations, homogeneous relations, faculty-student relations, home re lations, and school-community re lations being discussed. Miss Emma Milling, faculty sponsor for the organization, pre sided over the installation cere mony. Officers Elected. At a recent meeting of the Honor society, officers for next year were elected as follows: Ken neth Brooks, president; Lois Mil- ton, vice president; Jack Lowder, secretary. The members of the society voted to buy gold pins with the emblem, “Torchlight,” the order to be sent in immediately. Graduating Exercises May 31, 1939 Processional—-“Fi>Uow the Gh am’’ ^ ^ invocatiQfi . f _ .. : Chorus—‘‘Come to the Fair” Address—Dr. A. C. Reid Chorus “Sleepy Hollow Tunes” Presentation of Diplomas — F. N. Patterson Presentation of Class Gift— Sidney Gulledge Acceptance—A. B. Gibson V’aledictory — Mary Katherine East Quartet—Selected . Recessional Castevens Heads Student Council Jane Austin Turner, Carolyn Stone and Lois Milton Elected for Ocher Offices. Eleventh Grade Wins Field Trophy Virginia Gilliam and J. P. Mauldin Crowned; Movies Taken of All Events. CIVICS MEDALS GIVEN Charles Whiteley and John Ed ward Underwood of Miss McKen zie’s civics class were recently pre sented medals by the American Education press for making the highest scores in A. H. S. in a na tional current events test. From the Field day events, held May 5 on the athletic field, the eleventh grade emerged victorious with a total score of 84 points, fol lowed closely by the sophomores, who racked nn 78 points. High scorers for the day were Lewis Morgan, John Beatty, and Thomas Hatley, who tied for top honors with ten points each for the boys’ events, and Eulalia Tucker and Lucy Mae Miller, who tied for first place in the girls’ events with 13 points each. There was a total of 208 entries for all the contests. King and Queen Crowned. Amid the wild cheers of about 650 students, Virginia Gilliam and J. P. Mauldin, elected by popular vote, were crowned king and queen. The processional to the thrones was led by the cheer leaders, fol lowed by Bill Mann, president of the Advisory council; a band of tumblers; members of the basket ball team; and the crown-bearers, Josephine Whitley and Reid Gas kin. Movie Shown. Four reels of movies, the first of which is in technicolor, were taken during the day by Mr. John Tudor. These pictures were later shown to the student body in the audi torium. In the second annual student body election, held May 12, Jack Castevens, eleventh grader, came out victorious in a close contest with the tenth Bailey Gulledge. Other officers elected by secret ballot were Jane Austin Turner, vice president; Carolyn Stone, secretary; Lois Milton, treasurer. Nominees for I the student par ticipation offices were Jack Cast- evens, Bailey Gulledge, and Jose phine Whitley for president; Jane Austin Turner for vice president; Carolyn Stone and Rose Crump for secretary; Lois Milton, Reed Gas kin, and Idell Mauldin for treas- ! urer. Jack Castevens, the new student i president, is an outstanding senior, j being president of his home room, a member of the Hi-Y club for three years, a varsity football player for three years and a varsity baseball player for two years. Retiring officers of the Advisory council are Bill Mann, president; Pauline Beaver, vice president; Lafayette Blackwell, secretary; Virginia Gilliam, treasurer. These officers, cooperating with the twenty-one home room representa tives, have sponsored such activi ties as the carnival. Field day and a series of vocational talks in as sembly. Diplomas will be presented to night in the auditorium to 87 graduates, 34 twelfth graders and 53 eleventh graders. The exercises will open with the seniors singing the processional, “Follow the Gleam”. The twelfth graders in royal blue caps and robes will lead the processional, followed by the eleventh graders in white caps and gowns. The principal address will be made by Dr. A. C. Reid of Wake Forest college. Following the invo cation members of the Glee club will sing “Come to the Fair.” F. N. Patterson, chairman of the school board, will present the diplomas. Sidney Gulledge, presi dent of the senior class, will pre sent the class gift, which will be accepted by A. B. Gibson, princi pal. Mary Katherine East, a twelfth grader, will give the valedictory. Iris Almond, a member of the twelfth grade, is salutatorian of the senior class. Betty Lynn Crowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crowell, and Neil Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Graham, are class mascots. Baccalaureate Sermon. The annua! baccalaureate ser mon was preached Sunday eve ning, May 28, by the Right Rev erend John A. Wright of Christ’s church, Raleigh. The invocation was given by Reverend W- J- Bradley. Mijgic was rendered hv *he '■ ar. Girls’ Glee club, vho sar.g anthetos, “Unfold Ye Pot«ls”. and “Hear Thou My Prayer.” ^ All commencement music is un der the direction of Paul Fry and Miss Annyce Worsham. The benediction was given by Reverend W. B. Holmes. Glass Gift. An ornamental fountain to be placed on the front lawn of the school was chosen as the class gift. It was decided that if it were not possible to get the fountain, an automatic scoreboard for the gym nasium would be purchased. MARSHALS CHOSEN Bill Benson, member of the eleventh grade, has been selected as chief marshal to serve during the commencement exercises. Other marshals are Hoyle Whit ley, Josephine Beaver, Billie Ray Drye, and Ted Wallace from the tenth grade; Lucille Palmer, Eve lyn Merritt, Mable Underwood, ninth grade; Carolyn Stone, and Jacob Almond, eighth grade. The faculty chose the marshals on the basis of scholarship, leader ship, and dependability. 26 Graduates Plan To Enter College Out of 87 graduates from the eleventh and twelfth grades this year a recent survey shows that 26 students expect to go to some col lege or university, that 14 will en ter a business or a profession, and that 47 have no definite plans. Seven students plan to enter W. C. U. N. C.; three, Carolina; two, Duke; two, Davidson; two, Ap palachian State Teachers’ college; one. Bob Jones’s college in Ten nessee ; one, N. C. State; one, Meredith; one, Greensboro college; one, Salem college; three, business schools. Two others are indefinite as to which school they will attend. Five occupations are represent ed in the number going into busi ness. Seven plan to study nursing. Questions For The Month 1. How many seniors will re ceive diplomas Wednesday night? 2. Who is valedictorian? 3. Who is chief marshal? 4. Who was voted the hest all round hoy in the senior class? the best all-round girl? 5. Who will be the new hand director? 6. Who is Hi-Y president? 7. Who are next year’s editor and business manager for the Full Moon? 8. How many freshmen have enrolled for next year? 9. What new courses will be offered next year? 10. Who is the boys’ tennis champion in the South Pied mont conference? the girls’ champion? (Answers on Page Seven)